Time to Get Involved

A friend just sent me a link about a current petition drive in Michigan to get a vote on our November ballot for an amendment to our constitution which would allow for "an unlimited right to abortion."

Please do not be fooled into signing the "Reproductive Freedom for All" petition, which is an attempt to bring abortion back to Michigan, should Roe vs. Wade ever be overturned.

As usual, the deceptive naming of the petition drive uses catch phrases like "Reproductive" and "Freedom" to elicit our emotions using highly charged language.  It is the same way so many were duped so many years ago when abortion first became legal.

Freedom is something we hold dear, so this kind of language makes us think, "Who wouldn't want freedom?" But God gave us free will to choose good.  The taking of a human life through abortion is a choice that goes against everything we know to be good and true.  

There is no question that abortion is an evil and is not of God. How could God ever will that an unborn child who has been made in his image and likeness be killed by his or her mother?  A child that God himself created?

Sometimes people who have had an abortion feel that they cannot speak out against it now, that they somehow don't have the right to change their mind.  That is not true.  Additionally, all it takes is true contrition and confession.  In fact, those who have gone through the pain of abortion are sometimes the greatest advocates for life, once they realize its horror.

The petition needs 425,059 valid Michigan registered voter signatures. Please don't let your signature be one of them.  Watch for more information about this, as they are gearing up their volunteers for this pressure campaign to amend our Michigan Constitution.

At the heart of the abortion debate--when the politics attached to choice is removed, and the rhetoric is revealed, and the reality is considered--is a human issue.  While we may not be able to legislate morality, we certainly can and should create laws that express what we value most--the right to life--for without that, we have nothing.

Don't get caught up in political debates.  Keep it simple.  How could a loving God desire those whom he has created to be killed? 

I encourage you to review this LINK for information on the Decline to Sign initiative and educate yourself on the facts surrounding this issue.  There is also a letter from Bishop Earl Boyea, Bishop of the Diocese of Lansing on that website as well.  

It doesn't matter whether you are Catholic or not when it comes to human lives.  Please take the time to look into this and commit to helping protect the unborn.

Janet Cassidy



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