Baptism - Why Wait?

I return to the subject of baptism quite often because it is so important.  So many young couples today just skip getting their children baptized, and they hold to the philosophy that "They can choose it for themselves when they get older."  Or, they just don't understand its importance.  Or they just don't make time for it.

Frequently, unbaptized children grow into unbaptized adults and they raise their own unbaptized children, and the spiral away from the sacraments continues, as their children miss the sacraments that naturally follow baptism.  Before you know it, God slips from their life.  The message is clear--if church is important, my mom and dad would have had me baptized, and since they didn't, I guess it doesn't really matter.

The "choosing it for themselves when they get older philosophy" just doesn't fly. Too often, when they get older, they just don't seek it.

Maybe you were baptized as a child but for some reason, have withheld this same beautiful grace from your children.  Look at it this way.  Why withhold this gift of God that is life-giving?  Why not give them everything that is good for them, including this outpouring of grace?

If you and your spouse disagree about which Church to have your children baptized in, figure it out. When you consider all that is received in this sacrament, it is unfathomable that a parent wouldn't race to the Church to have their child baptized!

Is it because you do not recognize sin?  Or you do not believe in God?  Or you just figure you will get around to it someday?  THE most important thing you can give your child is this outpouring of the Holy Spirit.  This act of love, this gift from God, is not something to put off. 

In baptism, our sins are washed away.  Your child becomes a child of God, a member of the People of God.  Without baptism, they continue in the inherited sin of our first parents, a burden they must carry throughout their entire life unnecessarily.  Certainly, you do not want that!

Here's the good news.  If you are an unbaptized adult, or if your children are unbaptized, do not be embarrassed to ask for it.  Nobody is going to yell at you, or wag their finger at you because you put it off.  Just contact your local, friendly church and let them know you desire it.  

The process to baptism is quite simple and always a blessing for the seeker and for the faith community they will become a part of.  Isn't it finally time?

God loves you.  He continues to call you.  He is waiting.  Just take a step toward him and you will be forever blessed.

Janet Cassidy 



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