My Husband's Special Father's Day Gift

I've decided to give my wonderful husband an amazing Father's Day gift this year, but more about that in a minute.

I do want to put out there a Happy Father's Day!  It is wonderful that we have a day set aside to honor fathers, who play such an important role in the family.  Fathers help form their children.  They set examples of how to be faith-filled men.  The list goes on and on!

But one thing that isn't typically mentioned that fathers do that is so important, is they teach their children how to treat their mom.  Children learn about respect from observing their father's treatment of the primary woman in their life.

I know that not all father's do this, and that is really unfortunate, so I'll just move on.  I had a wonderful father, but he died of a heart attack when I was eight.  Fortunately, my three older brothers absolutely shined in his place as protector and defender of my mom and me.  Because of our situation, I always like to call to mind fathers who have gone before us.  They gave us life, something we should always treasure.

That brings me to the gift for my amazing husband.  Today, for one day only, I did not rant to him over the breakfast table about something I read.  You see--as you might imagine--I can get a little stirred up by the news.  Well, today, YOU get to read my rant so he doesn't have to listen to it (something he often, patiently does.)

So to him, I say, you're welcome. Happy Father's Day.

So here goes . . .

I was sickened to read that TODAYParents decided to celebrate Father's Day by highlighting eight dads who claim to be better dads because of abortion.  Basking in the glory of abortion, they continue to tout twisted claims such as, "I wouldn't be a father without abortion."  Huh?

One even tells the story of being arrested on charges of resisting arrest and misdemeanor assault after drinking too much and being obnoxious.  His wife decided unilaterally to have an abortion because she didn't know if she wanted to stay with him.

He put it this way:

"But I was very lucky. The abortion gave me the time and space to get myself regulated. And it allowed us to take the time we needed to heal our relationship and our family. Since then, we've added another member to our family. Now, we can parent the children we have with the focus and clarity they deserve."

So because he partied too much and his wife was afraid, a baby had to die.

Me, me, me.  That's the way it goes today.  Try to turn an evil into a good through bad logic.  Why are unborn babies never given any consideration?  

Oh this mom and dad, apparently afraid for the life they would give their child due to the father's inadequacies, and the mother's fears, decided it would be better for their child to not even be given the opportunity to live.

Note to future parents - just because your life is messed up, or your circumstances are not perfect, at least give your unborn baby a chance.

Bear with me for one last point, please.

"Peter from Massachusetts explained that he had two abortions, one with a previous partner and one with his current wife. Of the first, he claimed, 'I also would not have found my wife and be the more emotionally mature father that I am to my child,' and of the second, he claimed, 'The foreseeable  exhaustion and resentment and discord that would have come with a second child we weren’t ready for would have come at the detriment to not only me and my wife, but my existing child as well.'"

I guess Peter has a crystal ball.  But if he were to look closer, he would have realized that it isn't actually uncommon for parents to mature with their children!  Furthermore, exhaustion and a little bit of chaos comes with all parenting!

So many lives taken under the guise of concern for them.  It just doesn't make sense.

It is good for us to revisit 2 Timothy 4:3-4:

"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths."

 If only we would start paying attention to God instead of our own, twisted logic.

(Now you see why this was a gift to my husband.  Can you imagine listening to this over breakfast?)

Janet Cassidy




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