Uh, sure, I knit

Into every life a little levity should walk, and I feel like we can use some right now, so here goes . . .

While I was at work one day, my husband was watching our five year old granddaughter.  Out of the blue, she asked my husband:

"Does Grandma knit?"

"Yes," he kindly said.

"Can she knit me a kangaroo costume for Halloween?"

I love the simplicity of children.  Nothing is out of reach.  If it can be imagined, someone should be able to do it. Knitted kangaroo costume?  No problem.  I'll get right on it.  Forget the fact that, in reality, the extent of my knitting comes in the form of uniquely shaped, little square dishcloths!

Unfortunately, as adults, sometimes our life experiences get in the way of fulfilling our dreams.  We imagine that the thing we always wanted to learn or try must be out of our reach.  We can create lists of reasons why that is the case.  Naturally, we may have actual limitations that get in the way, but I think many times, we imagine limitations that might not be real.

For instance, maybe you have a love of science and always wanted to go to school, or a love of music and always wanted to play a particular instrument, or as in my case, would love to do more public speaking (something I have really enjoyed doing from time to time.)  Why not get after it?

I came across an inspirational reminder that a knitted kangaroo costume is not always an impossibility.  It goes like this:  "Keep the image of what you want in your mind, and it will be just a matter of time before you manifest success." (Bob Proctor)

Now I know we can't simply wish things into being, but I think the point of the quote is well taken.  Don't forget your dreams.  Keep them before you.  Work towards them. The truth is, even if your dreams are never realized, the journey itself could be quite a trip!

And if you are one of those people who does not have any dreams, find some, even just one.  By dreaming, we find hope.  If you could do anything--anything at all--what would that be?  If you don't know, try to figure it out and don't give up until you latch onto something.

We all need to keep growing in our humanity.  It makes life interesting.  Rather than waiting for life to lead you, go out and find someone who can knit you a kangaroo costume!

Janet Cassidy




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