A Powerful Story

If you don't follow pro-life/pro-choice stuff, you may have never heard of Rebecca Kiessling, but you should.  I hope you will listen to someone who is living a life that began in rape and was nearly taken by abortion.  She has a very powerful story that everyone should know, regardless of your position.

She says, "One of the greatest things I’ve learned is that the rapist is NOT my creator, as some people would have me believe.  My value and identity are not established as a 'product of rape,' but as a child of God."

Being conceived by a serial rapist who attacked her 18 year old birth mother at knife point could have been the end of her story.  Having her mother set up to have her aborted--twice--could have been the end.  But today, you hear her speak honestly about her life:

"Please understand that whenever you identify yourself as being “pro-choice,” or whenever you make that exception for rape, what that really translates into is you being able to stand before me, look me in the eye, and say to me, “I think your mother should have been able to abort you.”  That’s a pretty powerful statement.  I would never say anything like that to someone.  I would say never to someone, “If I had my way, you’d be dead right now.” 

Read her story in her own words at https://rebeccakiessling.com/rebeccas-story/.

Go deeper on this topic at:  http://www.savethe1.com/blog/ 

Rebecca also refers to:  http://afterabortion.org/ 

And one more.  If you are a Chris Stefanick fan, he interviews a woman who had an abortion and highlights the fear that goes into making the decision.  His interview can be found HERE . This is an excellent interview.

God bless,

Janet Cassidy


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