Why oh Why?

So here are two interesting questions that God asks each of us in the Book of Jeremiah, Chapter 2 (Verses 5 & 11):

He wants to know what fault we have found in him that would cause us to walk away from him and go after things that leave us empty.

And, he wants to know why we have exchanged our greatness in having been made in his image to go after useless things.

Wow.  How will you answer these questions?

God tells us through Jeremiah that the "empty idols" we chase after every day will simply leave us empty.  In other words, if we expect to find peace in our lives, the things of this world are not going to supply it.  Ultimately, our separation from God will leave us anxious, worldly, angry, immoral and isolated in a wasteland of drought and darkness!

Since none of that sounds good, we might want to rethink where we are spiritually.  Do we really believe that God exists?  Do we turn to him everyday and count on him walking with us through our decisions, commitments and relationships?

Do we think God is relevant to our daily lives?

Do we join with other believers to help support them and receive the help from them we need to remain faithful? 
Do we reject those things that are tempting but not good for us?
Do we see those around us who are hungry or in need and move to help?
Do we fully support our churches and the ministries they do, sacrificing our own wants to do so?
Do we pray for those who have died, those who are dying, or those in need of comfort and healing?

Once we start letting go of those empty idols we seek, and replace them with acts of true discipleship, an added benefit is that our own loneliness or sense of hopelessness will begin to lift as we begin to help others.

God asked through Jeremiah, "Why?"  "Why have you withdrawn from me?"

Indeed, why would we seek things that cannot satisfy and why would we trade our "glory" to go after "useless things?"  

Why would we remain idle, stagnant in our life?

Only you can answer that for yourself.  I would encourage you to read this chapter in Jeremiah (in the Old Testament) and reflect on your life and where you are searching for fulfillment.  Let God speak to you in the quiet of your heart and raise you up to the glory that you have through him.

Janet Cassidy



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