Making a Connection

Depending on where I sit in our house, sometimes my phone will not work very well.  I end up either moving to a different place (often in the same room), or just wave my phone around in the air until the connection is made.  I know it sounds dumb, but that's what I do.

Anyway, I was thinking the other day that one of the advantages of reading a book is that this is never a problem!  Doesn't matter where I sit, my book never protests!

Knowing me as you do, you must know this line of thinking raises a spiritual question that I would like to pose to you right now:  

"Are you situated in the best place to clearly connect to God so that you can hear him?"

If not, I encourage you to consider how you might best situate yourself so that you can interact with God.  Jesus (who is God) used to go up on a mountain by himself to be with the Father.  Wherever your "mountain" is, be it a quiet room in your house, church or a bench in the woods, go there, sit quietly and listen.

Perhaps you will want to bring along the Good Book so you can really connect!

Janet Cassidy


More on Proposal 3 for your own edification (please hang in there!)  This comes from MCC.  Please continue reading on their site.  

Here is an excerpt from Proposal 3 Would Allow Abortion Industry to Regulate Itself

"The following is part five of the seven-part series on Proposal 3. 

We’ve used the last month to shine a spotlight on the extraordinarily broad language used in Proposal 3 (the “Reproductive Freedom for All” proposal) that will appear on the ballot this November. The proposal does far more than simply codify Roe v. Wade in our State Constitution.

As we’ve discussed, Proposal 3 invalidates more than two dozen Michigan pro-life laws, authorizes minors to obtain abortion and sterilization without parental consent or even notice, effectively allows abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, and prohibits the state from enacting laws that would protect an unborn baby’s life or even to stop abortions based on sex, race, or disability.

At least women would be protected from unsafe abortion practices, right? Not at all. Proposal 3 authorizes the state to pass limited laws protecting the health of the mother, but only “consistent with accepted clinical standards of practice and evidence-based medicine.” Who establishes “accepted clinical standards of practice” for abortions? Abortionists!

Unlike any other area of medical practice, where doctors and nurses are subjected to all manner of laws to ensure patient safety, abortionists alone would get to decide whether they want to follow a Michigan health and safety law. If abortionists disagree that hospital admitting privileges are important, they can decline to follow a law that requires them. If abortionists think that laws regulating the safety standards for surgical centers are unnecessary for abortion clinics, they can ignore them with impunity.

No matter how a voter feels about abortion, Michigan’s Constitution should not be amended to give abortionists complete control over deciding what Michigan health and safety laws they must follow. Please tell everyone you know: vote “NO” on Proposal 3 on November 8th.

John Bursch is a constitutional lawyer and former Michigan Solicitor General. Through Alliance Defending Freedom, he represents the MCC and Right to Life of Michigan in court to uphold Michigan’s pro-life laws."


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