Life Beyond Broccoli



We can go through life--and many do--without thinking about God.  Your life is running relatively smoothly, you have what you want out of life--fun, prosperity, health, freedom--so why, you wonder, would you even need to give any thought to God?  That religion stuff is for other people.  I'm doing fine just the way things are.  I'm not so sure I even believe what all of those church-going people believe anyway.

This thought trail, while popular, especially among Millennials, can be a trap that is very limiting.  They would be wise to open their minds, just a bit, to entertain the possibility that Boomers, who run just ahead of them, might have learned something along the way that is worth listening to.

Of course, this is true at any age.

I have always tried to listen carefully to those who are older and wiser than me.  I appreciate that someone who is 70+ has a perspective that I don't have.  If you are 90 years old, I can learn a lot from you.  I was thinking about this during my prayer time just the other day . . .

An awareness came to be that was both a consolation and a new perspective that I likely would not have had the time to explore, nor the life experiences needed to benefit from, in my young adulthood.  That's why I'm saying that if you have not yet included God in your life, trust me when I say that doing so will open up a whole world to you that will add richness (not as in money) to your life. Take it from someone who knows, who has lived it.

Look at it this way.  When our grandchildren come over, there have been times that we have encouraged them to try something new.  I'm not even talking broccoli here, but maybe something tasty.  Our argument for trying it is that they might discover a new favorite food and how do they know that they don't like it if they never try it.

When we are successful at convincing them, there have been times that they have been surprised by how good it is.  Then, of course, they want more and say Yes! the next time.

It's sort of like that with God.  You cannot know what your life with God will be like, if you are not willing to give him a try!  You may think your life is okay now, but I'm here to tell you that it is nothing compared to what it will be when you open yourself up to the possibility of God's existence, intervention and love.

I can say that because I have seen God in action in various ways, but especially through people I have worked with who want to become Catholic.  The conversion and transformation they go through is remarkable.  God has shined a light on them that they were willing to accept, and their eyes were opened.  This is a tangible experience that they really could not imagine until they experienced it firsthand.

Moving forward without knowing where you are going is what faith is all about.

It is hard to say yes to something you do not understand, or have never experienced, I get that.  But I encourage you to trust those who have gone before you, who have had an experience of God.  Someone who is worthy of your trust and of good balance.

Really.  I'm serious.  We're not just making this stuff up.  God is real and he loves you more than you know.  Give him a try!

Janet Cassidy

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