Was Eve Scammed?




Here's a question:  If God put our first parents--Adam & Eve--in a paradise that was perfect, then how would Eve have known what evil was and that the snake was bad?  I mean, if she hadn't been exposed to evil until she met the snake, is it possible she didn't recognize him as evil?  Sure she was disobedient, since God had warned her not to eat of the fruit in the middle of the garden, or even touch it, but at that point, could she actually identify evil as evil?

Figuring that out is above my pay grade, but I'm starting to wonder if it is possible that Eve has gotten a bad rap all these years.

What we do know is that the Bible is the inspired Word of God.  It is God's self-revelation to us.  In these early chapters of Genesis we have before us some good lessons we would be wise to pay attention to.  In these, our Father in heaven has given us a word of warning.

And, admittedly, it looks like human nature has not changed all that much over all these years.

Scripture tells us that the snake was the most cunning of all the wild animals (Genesis 3:1), so maybe Eve was simply duped.  The evil one scammed her.  Played on her ignorance.

Even today, that snake has the ability to play on our ignorance and weaknesses.  In fact, he's so good at it, he has managed to convince some of us that he doesn't even exist!  Yes, we, like Eve, get fooled and led astray.  Let's not pretend that we are unlike Eve in that regard.  We, also, much too often, ignore God, do what we want, and get deceived.

Sin entered the world through Eve's disobedience.  She abused her free will. Because of that, original sin became inherent in each of us.  Not by God's decision, but due to "man's" disobedience and poor use of free will.

Isn't it true that God says we will be better off if we align ourselves with him and follow his will, but we think we know better and do the opposite?  Not all of the time, of course, but that gift of free will that God gave us must be carefully honed, lest we, too, misuse it.

From the very beginning, God spoke the truth.  He didn't force Eve to practice self-restraint, but he did caution her, much like he continues to do with us today.  Do not be deceived--God is real, and so is evil. 

Pay attention to the potholes in life that can easily be stepped into, where the snake may be hidden.  Hold God's ways before you at every turn, and learn from the lessons of our first parents.  And above all, use that gift of free will very carefully.

Janet Cassidy



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