India's Goal: Chandrayaan-3 on the Moon

Apollo 11 photo: Earth, seen from Lunar orbit. (1969)
Humanity is returning to the Moon.

Screenshot detail, NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive: Chandrayaan 3; NSSDCA ID: CHANDRYN3. Image credit: ISRO. (August 22, 2023)Vikram, the Chandrayaan-3 mission's lander, will, if all goes well, touch down near the Moon's south pole today: Wednesday, August 23, 2023.

A successful landing will make India one of four spacefaring nations with a presence on the Lunar surface....

...The time of day depends on where you are. For me, it'll be early Wednesday morning.

That's why I've embedded an ISRO YouTube video in this post: so I'll have something queued up and ready to view. That's assuming I wake up in time....

More at A Catholic Citizen in America.

(A successful landing will make India one of four spacefaring nations with a Lunar presence. Embedded ISRO YouTube live video, a little background.)


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