Create Opportunites for Growth


Yesterday I talked about the Parable of the Talents and gave the example of a parents' responsibility to create an environment for their children where their faith has the opportunity to grow.

But what if you did all of that and the faith you tried to instill in your children didn't stick?

Or, what if you just lacked faith yourself at the time, and you raised your children without a recognition of God, and then later realized you wish you would have?

Many parents of adult children carry a bucket full of reasons to feel guilt and sadness, but that really doesn't do anyone any good. As your children moved into adulthood, they had a lot of influences on them. You cannot control their decisions. Nor do you have any control over their perspective on God.

If your own faith awakening came in your later years, and your children weren't the recipients of an awareness of faith from you as they grew up, it's probably because you couldn't give what you didn't have.

So what's a parent to do?

Talk to your adult child. Let them know that like everyone, you, too, grew and matured over the years you raised them. Tell them that if you knew what you know now, you would have guided them to a life faith. Express to them what you have discovered and invite them into a conversation about where they are on this journey.

Your honesty may, or may not, lead them to faith, but at least you know you have done all that you can, now that your faith has been awakened.

Janet Cassidy


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