Have You Reason to be Angry?


Poor Jonah.

We've been reading the Book of Jonah in our daily scripture readings and I find it amazing that he thought he could run away from God. And then, when he finally did what God told him to do ("announce the message"), he got mad that God forgave the Ninevites. God didn't do what Jonah thought he should do, so he got mad.

God then asked Jonah, "Have you reason to be angry?"

I was thinking, that's a good question we might want to carry with us when we feel ourselves beginning to boil.

Sometimes, but honestly probably not as often as we think, we might be justified in answering Yes. Most of the time, I would venture to guess, the answer should probably be "No, I don't really have a reason to be angry."

What reason do I have for being angry at the grocery clerk who isn't very kind?
What reason do I have for being angry at someone not doing something my way?
What reason do I have that God is taking too long to answer my prayers? Or that he didn't answer them the way I wanted?
What reason do I have to be angry at my boss? My children? My spouse?

Whenever you are set off, take a minute to answer God's question to Jonah and remember, God is merciful, loving and generous to all.

Shouldn't we be as well?

Janet Cassidy
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