How Far Away is God?

As I was reading a passage from Romans, Chapter 6, about sin leading to death and virtue leading to holiness, my thoughts wandered to the idea of separation.

There's our humanity, and then there's God. Distinct. Separate.

Or so it might seem.

Upon a little more reflection we can see that this thinking is erroneous and can take us in the wrong direction, for it dismisses the reality that God created the world, and us in it, and he is not apart from it, or us.

What is clear is that the sin we embrace creates a chasm between us and God. It is our behavior that leads us to lawlessness, or holiness, depending on what we choose.

But here's the great news: God does not separate himself from us. We may move farther away from him, reject him or even ignore him, but he doesn't move.

Like the sun that stays more-or-less in position while the earth rotates around it, God is always with us, one with us, reaching out to hold us in the palm of his hand.
All this is to say that God did not create us and then just let us go. No matter what you have done up to this point in your life, know that God isn't going anywhere. His love for you runs deep.

Janet Cassidy

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