Are You Bored?


Our little granddaughter loves apples. The other day she proudly showed what was left of her snack, and I can honestly say I've never seen an apple so completely demolished; you could barely see the core! There was about an inch of it left!

I appreciated her efforts because we have been really trying to work on not being wasteful, although, admittedly, I think she just thoroughly enjoyed her apple!

I'm not a big leftovers person, and this can be a problem if you are trying not to be wasteful. I swear my husband could eat leftovers for three days in a row and not really care.

I get bored eating the same thing everyday. I think I've noticed a pattern, because I get bored praying the same prayers as well. I love praying with scripture and the daily readings, probably because they are new every day and often speak to me.

Don't be afraid to change up your prayer routine from time to time. Not only does it give God an opportunity to speak to you in a new way, it also frees you from any danger of attachment.

Wherever God leads us in prayer, we should follow. It is never a waste of time to offer him your attention.

Janet Cassidy

Don't forget to jump over to my YouTube Channel to watch my latest conversation about Dorothy Day! You can find my whole interview with Amanda Daloisio of the Catholic Worker, at:


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