Yup, that would be me


I have to admit, on this sacred shopping day, I'm not much of a shopper. There really isn't anything I NEED. I'm more at that stage in life where I am trying to get rid of stuff.

So on this day, I won't be online or at the stores early. I may just make it a lazy day and enjoy our Thanksgiving day leftovers.

We had a laugh the other day when talking about one of my brothers who is traveling with his wife to England for a wedding this weekend. I commented that it seemed a little unusual for someone to plan a wedding for Thanksgiving weekend.


Naturally, Thanksgiving, as a holiday, wouldn't have any significance to the people of England, like it does to us (although some do celebrate the autumnal harvest.)

We Americans sometimes think that the rest of the world is just like us. This type of thinking is evidenced by those of us who go overseas and say or do things that would be okay in the U.S.A., but lands them in jail in other countries.

I've often thought, that would be me.

No kidding. I'd be the person in jail, shocked that I couldn't freely criticize or offer commentary on someone's government or activities. Our freedom is so ingrained in us that it is easy to take it for granted.

During these days of Thanksgiving, let us remember all of those men and women who are suffering injustices and oppression throughout the world, and let us be grateful to those who keep us free.

Janet Cassidy
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