Who is THAT?
When I saw that Norman Lear died, I surveyed a list of people who died in 2023. Most of them I was familiar with, but some of them I didn't have any idea who they were.
That would be me. If I even made such a list--which I am certain I wouldn't--people would ask, "WHO IS THAT?"
That's okay with me. I mention that, because I have to promote my reflections and videos, but I hope they are never interpreted to be self-promotions. The challenge when evangelizing online (or anywhere for that matter) is to make sure the message is heard. It's impossible to be a silent messenger, hard as one might try.
Thank you for joining me in spreading the Gospel when you read and share my posts. The message is multiplied so many times when you do this; we are all in this together.
I am so grateful to all of you.
I hope you are having a blessed Advent.
Janet Cassidy
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