Rent-free Space



I just love some of the memes you find online (the nice ones, that is.)
Like this one:

"Don't bother walking a mile in my shoes, that would be boring. Spend 30 seconds in my head, that'll freak you right out." (Wittitudes)

I can see so many of you shaking your heads in agreement right now, as you can immediately relate.

I like this popular question: "What are you allowing to live in your head rent free?"

Supposedly, this idea came from the columnist Ann Landers, who reportedly said:
“Hanging onto resentment is letting someone you despise live rent-free in your head.”

What are you hanging onto that is disturbing your peace of mind, that is not contributing to your mental or physical well-being? Free up some of that space and allow God to enter. He will bring you peace and lessen your anxiety.

Janet Cassidy
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