What God Does


I heard this quote attributed to Mother Angelica, a popular religious sister who founded the network, EWTN. Although, admittedly, I'm not a big fan of hers (may she rest in peace), she was quite a force when it came to trusting God and her story is inspiring.

Here's the quote:

"Unless you're willing to do the ridiculous, God will not do the miraculous."

I have no doubt she arrived at this conclusion through personal experiences. If you read her story, you will see how God did exactly this in her creation of the EWTN network.

Now I can't say whether her conclusion is iron clad, (I'm not a big fan of putting God in a box, especially in regards to what he can and cannot do based on my cooperation), but it does make you think a bit.

I can personally recall a time when I did something that was totally illogical, but, listening to God and moving forward in trust, I did as I was asked, and watched as he--almost miraculously--moved someone to return to him after a life of stubborn refusal, prior to their death.

My following him set off a chain of events, starting with what seemed totally ridiculous. Of course he can find ways around us when we don't cooperate, but it is amazing to watch him work and have a front row seat to his saving grace.

That experience led me to commit myself to never refuse what he asks of me, no matter how dumb it seems!

Looking back, I can now see where God was working in my own life (and still is today.) He can definitely bring miracles out of what seems ridiculous, to us.

The key is trusting--really trusting him--in all things.

If you have a story to share, I would love to have you post it in the comments.

Also, will you check out my interview with Deacon Arthur Miller? It's a good one that I think you'll like. 
You can find it on my YouTube Channel at:

Janet Cassidy


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