Where should we start?


I was watching our recording of the Emmy Awards while waiting for my dilated eyes to return to normal, when I was caught off guard.

I think they do this every year, but when the screen brought on individual pictures of celebrities who died in the past year, I started to tear up. That might sound overly sentimental, but losing some of the greats who created or acted in some of the shows I grew up watching, was very moving.

While we are quick to criticize "Hollywood," I think we forget sometimes how creative some of these people are and how much they raised our awareness of cultural issues that needed to be dealt with.

Sometimes people want to relegate Jesus to a cultural icon, a mover and shaker who changed the world, but that's not really an accurate portrayal. Jesus didn't come to challenge the problems of the day (although he did do that); his work was much more than that.

While his incarnation did impact the world, the work of Jesus was to lead us to the Father, to eternal life and to salvation. Jesus showed us what sacrificial love and forgiveness look like. A great model, for sure, but still not just that.

Any great prophet could have preached against the sins of the people, the unethical practices of leaders, or warned of pitfalls. Any great prophet could have inspired us to be better.

But Jesus is GOD!

Now, understandably, that can be hard to wrap our minds around, but that is a fact. Whether we believe it or not doesn't change the fact. Sometimes we have to work backward from miracles or teachings to reach an acceptance of Jesus; sometimes we have to start with him being God to get to the point where we believe what the Church knows to be true.

But regardless of the path you follow, you need to get going on the journey. The truth is, as much as you might think your life is full and complete, it can never be so without God.

And for those who already know God, be patient with those who don't. Through your loving words and actions, help others see the path.

As Jesus said: "Just so, your light must shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your heavenly Father." (Matthew 5:16)

Impact the world in whatever way God calls you to do. Your reward will be great in heaven.

(Be sure to check out the Fun Fact below :-)

Janet Cassidy

Fun Fact:

"The name Emmy derives from Immy, a nickname for image orthicon, a camera tube used in television. The Emmy Award statuette consists of a winged woman, representing art, holding aloft an electron, representing science. The Emmy Awards are made by the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences."


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