The truth about pride

If I am being honest, this jumped out at me in light of the recent conviction of the former president of the United States, in New York yesterday. His behavior seems to correspond to this passage, which comes from today's reading from The Book of Zephaniah: "It listens to no voice, accepts no correction." Zephaniah included this in his prophesy, hundreds of years before Jesus, during a time of darkness for Judah and Jerusalem. The people were stubborn, and his prophecy announced the "fire" of God's passion, his anger at the way they were behaving. BUT, at the end of this very short book, we learn that God has left a remnant of people, who "do no wrong and speak no lies." It was good news to the people of Jerusalem. What stood out for me yesterday at the former president's conviction, was the lack of humility found in one who will not listen to anyone and who cannot take being corrected. How can anyone be a good leader if t...