How to get to Heaven ... or your money back


Are you intrigued by the title of this book? You shouldn’t be. It’s true and it guarantees that if you follow its instructions you will get to Heaven; or else we will refund you the price of the book. Be sure to keep a receipt as proof of purchase! (Although you won’t need it.)

This book doesn’t cost much, so you’re not risking a fortune by buying it. But you are certainly risking a lot by ignoring it. Can you afford to?

It could well save your eternity. 

NOTES: Dear loyal readers. This book may not be for you if you are a practising Christian. But it may well be for someone that you know. Someone who has probably heard of God but never gave Him serious thought. Never bothered to find out more.

Here's what prompted this book.

I attended a funeral recently. It was at the crematorium and lasted about half-an-hour. The people there really did not believe in anything. To them, nothing happens after we die. Someone said a few words about the deceased. About her life and what she did over the years; and as the coffin was taken away they said that she was now with her parents and elder sister who died years ago. 

The Logic Program Sub-routine in my brain immediately flashed a warning. What's the logic in that statement? If you don't believe in anything after death then how come this woman is now with her parents and sister? Where exactly? They are probably cremated or buried in another town somewhere; yet she is here being turned to cinders. How can she be with them?

Another example of today's modern thinking: Only a few days ago there was a woman on TV who wanted to undergo regression hypnosis to discover who she was in a previous life. She was convinced that in a previous life she was someone else, and possibly yet another person before that. She did not explain whether it was her "soul" which transferred from one person to another; she did not know. She was certain that she was someone else in a previous life. 

You see friends, we live in a secular world with secular education and up-bringing. There are many good people out there, kind people, who really have not given much serious thought about what happens after death. They've heard of Heaven and hell and God and "all that" but have put it at the back of their mind. Life's too busy right now anyway to bother about the here-after (whatever that is).

I'm sure you know someone who thinks like that. Maybe this book is for them, to nudge them to find out more. It does not have all the answers. It is not meant to. It is written in a flippant cheeky way to challenge and encourage someone somewhere to find out more in their search for God.

Perhaps you can be the one to guide them on their way. Can you imagine how privileged you'd be if you turned a life in the right direction?

The book is available in paperback and KINDLE from AMAZON HERE


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