Choosing a leader



I couldn't believe it was true.  I had heard that there was another run on toilet paper due to the short-lived dock workers strike, so I guess I shouldn't have been surprised, but sure enough, when I went to pick up toilet paper that I actually needed, the shelves were nearly empty.

It would almost be funny, except when I consider how it reflects the mindset of people today.

And speaking of strange mindsets, I am so confused by anyone who supports the former President. Now don't go and get all mad at me, but I am very concerned, especially, about Christians who think they MUST vote for him out of an erroneous sense of morality (as for others who just like him, I have no comment.)

If you are Catholic and you have heard a homily that either directly, or indirectly, insinuates that you must vote for a particular candidate, do not be guilted into voting a certain way.

The Catholic Church never tells anyone how they should vote, except to say we must vote by a "well-formed conscience." 

Consider what has been widely reported as Pope Francis' comments on the subject. 

The following comes from the BBC:

"Pope Francis has called both major US presidential candidates 'against life' and advised Catholic voters to choose the 'lesser evil' when casting their ballots in the November election.

The pontiff said not welcoming migrants - seemingly referring to Trump - is a 'grave' sin, and compared Kamala Harris's stance on abortion to an 'assassination'.

'Both are against life, be it the one who kicks out migrants, or be it the one who kills babies,' the Pope said in rare political comments at a Friday news conference as he wrapped up a 12-day tour through southeast Asia."

And there you have it. Neither candidate for President is pro-life.  This is not an election where we can be a one-issue voter. 

The key is to remember that "intention" is important when we make moral decisions.

It is entirely, morally acceptable, to vote Democrat, when your intention is to NOT support or promote abortion, but to simply vote against the other candidate, if your well-formed conscience leads you that way.

As you prepare to vote, perhaps this guide will help you. You can click on the link, or go directly to:  

to read "Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship."

Rest in prayer and ask God for guidance in the days to come, that we will elect a leader that is right for today.

Janet Cassidy
Email me at:




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