Immaculate Conception of Mary
I finally got to see "Bonhoeffer: Pastor. Spy. Assassin." I have been looking forward to its release for awhile now.
I was not disappointed.
Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran Pastor from the "Confessing Church" who realized before most people in the church that Hitler was not someone to be followed. He was strong in his defiance of Hitler and risked his own life to stand against him.
He really makes you wonder if you would even recognize a bad leader; would you be among those courageously speaking out, or would you follow a maniacal controller? Would you even realize you were being duped?
Too many people just did not see it until it was too late.
Bonhoeffer became unafraid of the consequences of standing up for the good of his country and people. Forgoing his personal safety, he courageously ran towards what he needed to do.
God, he felt, would be with him as he pursued a path against evil.
This all reminds me of the story about the frog sitting in a pot of water. As the water is slowly heated, the frog doesn't realize what is coming, since his death is coming on so slowly.
You might say that is sort of what happened in the time of Hitler, and, I suppose, some people may see a relationship to what is happening today.
As antisemitism is on the rise, nationalism and the exclusion of others promoted, not to mention the popularization of hate speech being embraced, we need our Mother Mary, more than ever.
Today we celebrate the Immaculate Conception of Mary, the virgin, conceived without sin in the womb of her mother, St. Anne. (This is not the conception of Jesus.)
the JEWISH mother of the SAVIOR of the World, JESUS, is the perfect
person in whom we can seek peace. She remains the Patron Saint of the
United States.
Let us turn to our Mother, who lovingly cares for ALL of us, as we strive to reject anything that opposes the way of her Son.
Mary, Mother of God, pray for us.
Janet Cassidy
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