Give yourself this gift
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Now on to today's post . . .
I came home from the eye doctor after having had a shot in my eye. Not being able to do much, comfortably, I decided to lay down and listen to Bishop Robert Barron's recitation of the Joyful Mysteries of the rosary.
Not surprisingly, I was fast asleep before I barely started the first decade (a decade of the rosary is ten Hail Marys.)
Reflecting on this later, I came to the conclusion that it's not a bad thing, this resting with Jesus and Mary.
Resting your heart in a soft-spoken meditation of the rosary brings about such a sense of peace. I have concluded that God is perfectly fine with me doing this, because my heart is at rest in him, or as Saint Augustine famously said:
“You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our heart is restless until it rests in you.”
If you ever find yourself anxious, or unsettled for some reason, give yourself the gift of resting in Jesus. However that looks for you, just take the time to do it. Letting your heart open wide so that his love can be poured in will swallow up all of your concerns or fears.
Be committed this year to self-care, which begins with time spent resting in the palm of God.
Janet Cassidy
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