I do like doughnuts!


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Director David Lynch was quoted as saying, "Keep your eye on the doughnut, not the hole."

Since I like doughnuts, I don't have any problem with that. Ha ha

Now I have no idea what he was referring to, but for me, seriously, in today's climate, I would use this as a "big picture" reminder, that, instead of looking at all of the emptiness we are experiencing, both politically, culturally and morally, i.e., the hole, it is helpful to remember that we are actually surrounded by the One who looks out for us.

I read this in Sirach, which I believe is quite fitting. It comes from Chapter 10, verses 14-15:

"God overturns the thrones of the proud and enthrones the lowly in their place. God plucks up the roots of the proud, and plants the lowly in their place."

Anyone who is proud or haughty, who seeks positions of power and relishes in their own wealth are not close to God. It is the poor and lowly who God raises up. He will never forget them.

These may be scary times, when it seems like the little guy has been forgotten.  We must be careful not to simply focus on the hole, but trust in God.

Taking up an attitude of humility before God will help our transformation this Lent, calm our fears and lesson our anxiety, as we remember that "faithfulness and humility are his [God's] delight." (Sirach 1:27)

Do what you can to delight God today.

Oh, and Happy St. Patrick's Day!!  

Janet Cassidy
Email me at:  jmctm2@gmail.com





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