What Do You Need to Change?
I think this world would be a far better place if everyone took more time to think about what they say and do, and work on personal change.
For example, consider how you spoke to your spouse today. What about your friend? Or your coworker? Do you subtly manipulate them in any way? Do you secretly (or openly) criticize them for what they say or do?
Do you hold grudges?
Waste time?
Do you try to control your adult children or others?
I think we need to start working on ourselves.
Consider what you need God's mercy for, and then with heartfelt intention, pray the words of Psalm 130:
"Out of the depths I call to you, Lord;
Lord, hear my cry.
May your ears be attentive to my cry for mercy."
Let God's mercy be your great desire. Know how you are in need of it.
The beauty is, as we hear
from Ezekiel (Chapter 18:22), God will not remember the wrong we have
done, but the virtue we have practiced.
Look at your faults today and make an honest accounting of what you need to change in yourself. Be kind, though. It may take baby steps to make these changes, as you reset the patterns you are trying to break.
Count on God's help to make progress.
Lent is a great time for us to begin to live in virtue. Allow God to transform you so that you become more like him in your love and treatment of others.
Janet Cassidy
Email me at: jmctm2@gmail.com
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