
Showing posts with the label Bible

Meditation for kids: Manna in the wilderness

As promised, this is an example of a concrete meditation on Scripture for primary-grade kids. Please read Teach your children mental prayer for background. I will go through all the steps outlined there, and add in some other subjects for homeschoolers at the end. Read the entire meditation .

Teach your kids mental prayer

What is your goal for your children's education? Academic prowess? Love of learning? Knowledge of Church doctrine? All these are good, but a contemplative homeschool seeks something more. My goal is to help my children have a deep prayer life, which leads them to union with God. You too can teach your children to practice mental prayer, whether you homeschool or send your kids to a Catholic, or even public, school.   Read more.

10 Reasons Catholics should read the Bible

    1. The Bible is the Church's book. The Bible was written by men of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit. The Catholic Church, by the same Spirit, determined which books to include in the official Canon . The Bible tells our family story, from Creation through the early Church, with some previews of what's to come. 2. The Church urges us to read the Bible. Really. The stereotype of the Catholic Church suppressing Bible reading is false, a misreading of history. Vatican II included an entire constitution, Dei Verbum , on the Bible. "The Church 'forcefully and specifically exhorts all the Christian faithful. . . to learn "the surpassing knowledge of Jesus Christ," by frequent reading of the divine Scriptures'" ( Catechism of the Catholic Church #133, quoting Dei Verbum and Philippians 3:8). Continue Reading

'The cold-blooded murder of the English tongue'

Jeremy Irons and Dame Kiri Te Kanawa in a concert version of My Fair Lady. If one wants to see what connection this has with last Sunday's Mass as celebrated in English in the USA and the Philippines one should check here .

The Road Map

" My people are ruined because they don't know what is right or true." Hosea 4:6 Be honest. How often do you read your Bible? Do you meditate on the scriptures so that they become written on your heart? While it is difficult to find time to read God's Word, it's so important. We need the Word so much on the inside of us that there's no room for anything else. This verse from Hosea really says a lot. If we don't know what we believe... if we don't know what is right and wrong .... how will we ever be able to live a life in Christ? When we are faced with an ethical dilemma, we need God's guidance in our life. His Word is full of wisdom and guidance, but if we don't know it, it doesn't do a lot of good.  Neglecting the Word of God is like having a road map to where you are going and never bothering to look at it for direction.  So get out your road map to life and dive into God's Word today and everyday. He will help us to make the bes