
Showing posts with the label Covid-19

New Year’s Eve, 2020: I Imagine We Will Survive

Today is New Year's Eve. It's also Saint Sylvester's Day, the 420th anniversary of the British East India Company's charter and the 141st anniversary of Thomas Edison's incandescent light demo. But mainly, I figure, for most Americans, today is New Year's Eve.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

My Top 10 Science News Stories For 2020

I'm seeing "The Best of," "Top 10" and "2020 Top" headlines in my news feed: as usual for late December. Instead of waiting for someone else to highlight this year's science news stories, I'm making my own 'top 10' list. Each item is something that caught my attention, seemed important, or has been lurking in my 'to do' folders. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Christmas, 2020: I'm Glad to Be Here

(My corner of small town America around noon, Christmas Eve.) It's Christmas Eve afternoon here in Sauk Centre, Minnesota. Weather, Wind Chill, Memory and Deciding Wednesday's blizzard became a wind chill advisory, which has since retreated to lands north and west of my home. ...What we do each year, and how we do it, matters. But it's not nearly as important as why we get together and celebrate.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

New COVID-19 Vaccines: Goodish News, Ethical Issues

The first shipments of COVID-19 mRNA vaccine arrived in America this week. Folks are getting immunized, including health care workers. I think that's good news.... As I see it, all that's good news. I'd prefer focusing exclusively on the 'up' side. But there's an ethical problem with the new vaccines. I'll be talking about that, and why getting immunized when it's my turn still makes sense. COVID-19 Vaccines and a Little History Ethical Concerns HEK 293 Donor: RIP Options and "The Mark of the Beast" Statistics and Death Love, Neighbors and the Common Good Remembering, and Learning From, Our Past First Vaccines Arrive: "...Healing is Coming" The Inevitable Link Lists (and resources, too) From the USCCB My stuff More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

COVID-19, Cells, Viruses and mRNA Vaccines

I'll be talking about mRNA vaccines and COVID-19. And why I'll willingly wait for my vaccination, but think the new vaccines are a good idea. But first, I'll look at news, weirdness and a little history. In the News: Prospects and Concerns An Alleged North Carolina-China Conspiracy Mild Curiosity, Real Threat Wanting Immunity Vaccination Viewpoints Smallpox Vaccinations: "a Daring Violation" or "a Precious Discovery" Fear and Ethics Dealing With Differences Dosages and Unpleasant Results Science, Technology and Making Sense Trust and Prudence DNA, RNA and mRNA Vaccines, Briefly Decoding the SARS-CoV-2 Virus SARS-CoV-2 Build-a-Spike mRNA Snippet COVID-19 mRNA Vaccines, Build-a-Spike Code and — Virus Rights?? From the CDC's Factsheets New mRNA Vaccines: Good and Not-So-Good News Willing to Wait For My Turn More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Eucharistic Adoration and Social Distancing

I was at the Eucharistic Adoration chapel yesterday, and the week before. Nothing unusual there. What was different about week before yesterday was that I left early. I'd arrived a half-hour early, again nothing unusual. It's not that I'm so pious that I can't wait to go. I'd reached a stopping point in what I was writing, and figured that showing up early was a good idea. Which it would have been, if we hadn't had new rules. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Thanksgiving 2020: Pandemic Peril and Perspectives

"This year's Thanksgiving is the first one affected by COVID-19. "Mainly because SARS-CoV-2, the virus causing COVID-19, didn't exist a year ago. Or hadn't spread to humans. Or was spreading to humans without anyone noticing it...." More at A Catholic Citizen in America : Conspiracy theories. Journalism's "unprecedented" precedent. News from the 1918 pandemic. Family, health and holiday plans. COVID-19 and Sauk Centre's hospital. Being thankful, anyway.

Holiday Hodgepodge: Lights, Health, Pandemic Paranoia

...The Osakis Chamber of Commerce parade sounds like a good idea. Provided that they take pandemic-related precautions to keep folks comparatively safe. I'm guessing that this year's sidewalk watchers will be spread out more, and wearing face masks. But I won't be going. Even though Osakis is only 20 minutes down the road. Standing on a central Minnesota sidewalk after sundown in early December isn't my idea of a good time. The COVID-19 pandemic is still around, and making a difference. Maybe that's this post's unifying idea: Macy's Parade News: Good and Sort-of-Good Rampantly Raging Death and Dramatic Drumbeats Monday's Death Toll in Rural Minnesota Speculation and a Serious Subject Streaming Together for Thanksgiving Sound, Fury and the Usual Paranoia More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Halloween, COVID-19, Wolfgang's Axe and Apple Bobbing

("It's the best I could do on short notice." ("Cinderella's Halloween") ;) ) Halloween will be different this year. Mostly because we're still dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic. I don't know what it'll look like here in Sauk Centre. Safer Trick-or-Treating More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Back from the Hospital: The Masked Minnesotan Rides Again

I didn't feel all that sick Friday evening. That was August 21, 2020: 45 days ago. Online self-assessment guides from the Minnesota Department of Health and Mayo Clinic put me on the threshold of needing to call a doctor. My wife said calling the local hospital was a good idea. As it turns out, she was right.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America . Living in Room 20 Staph, Strep and Cellulitis Conspicuous by Their Absence A Century of Antibiotics Mice and a Man More Than You Need, Or Maybe Want, to Know About Penicillin Pandemic Precautions, Piety — and Prudence The "Source and Summit of the Christian Life" The Common Good Uncertainty Weirdness and Worship San Francisco's Rules It Could have been Worse Seating Capacity North Carolina in Cahoots with China?! New Lyrics, Old Song Sound, Fury and Making Sense Fear Appeal: Communist Agents, Tiny Cows and More Per

Our Lady of China, Covid-19, the Legion of Mary in China

  Our Lady of China With the inscription:  Mother of God, pray for us Someone sent me this photo back in April, in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic and expressing a desire that we should pray for the people of China, where the virus began in Wuhan. That city is a conglomeration of three cities: Wuchang, Hankow and Hanyang. When the first group of Columban priests, including our Co-founder Fr Edward Galvin, travelled to China in 1920 some went to Hanyang. In 1927 Fr Galvin was ordained as the first bishop of what was then the Vicariate Apostolic of Hanyang. It became a diocese in 1946. Bishop Edward Galvin and Fr John Blowick Co-founders of the Columbans  (mid-1950s) Bishop Galvin lived through wars and natural calamities, serving the people of his diocese with one desire: to do God's will. He was expelled from the People's Republic of China in 1952. In a report he wrote that year he stated the reasons the authorities gave for this. You have opposed and obstructed the establ

Storms, COVID-19 and Politics

Several decades back, while I was living with my parents in Moorhead, Minnesota, a radio announcer read the day's weather forecast.... After finishing the official forecast, the announcer paused before rhetorically asking "what? No burning hail?" Or maybe it was "fiery hail." Something like that.... ...Maybe it's the sudden and temporary sunshine, but I'm even almost upbeat about the COVID-19 pandemic. Folks here in Minnesota aren't dying of the disease nearly as fast as we were a month or two ago.... ...The politics thing is pretty much inevitable. There's a presidential election on, so sound and fury is the order of the day.... ' More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Fourth of July and Virtual Fireworks

My Fourth of July plans include watching an episode or two of Marvel Ultimate Spider-Man, contemplating the whichness of what while sitting on the front stoop, relaxing and getting a few chores done. And enjoying a virtual fireworks show. Probably one of these.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Celebrating during a Pandemic

This Saturday is the Fourth of July: America's Independence Day. It's a day for picnics and parades, barbecues and ice cream. We celebrate with fireworks and carnivals, picnics and concerts, fairs and baseball games. Usually. This year will be different. Plans and Parade Permits Blow Hot, Blow Cold Fireworks Parade Permit Perplexity Street Legal Vehicles and Skimmed News Vanilla Ice and Common Sense Patriotic? Me?! Definitions Viewpoints and Obligations Big Country, Small World Living in Small Town Minnesota, and Loving It "...My Family Celebrating!" Remembering And In Conclusion More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Gender Violence during COVID 19 (Spanish) Violencia en tiempos de COVID 19.

A partir del comienzo de la cuarentena por la Pandemia del COVID-19, las autoridades de México alertaron sobre el aumento en las llamadas de mujeres a los servicios de ayuda sobre violencia ejercida hacia ellas. La escalada parecía alarmante y provocada por el encierro con sus agresores en su hogar. En esos meses las llamadas aumentaron en un 110% con respecto al año pasado. Y el mensaje que se trataba de sacar de esta campaña era que las mujeres estaban en más riesgo en su hogar que en otro lado. Pero las características de las llamadas dejan ver que eran más llamadas de mujeres solteras que casadas, lo que desmiente que el matrimonio sea una estructura patriarcal que aumenta la violencia de pareja como algunos movimientos alegan. Además las llamadas eran de más mujeres empleadas en comparación con menos llamadas de las que están dedicadas al hogar, que contradice la teoría de los movimientos feministas que la emancipación es la única forma de salvar a la mujer de l

Some music for the pandemic

Va, pensiero  from  Nabucco  by  Giuseppe Verdi This recording of  Va, pensiero , also known as  The Chorus of the Hebrew Slaves , from Verdi's opera  Nabucco  was made as a tribute to Italy's medical workers and others fighting Covid-19 in that country. The  Wikipedia article on the aria , which includes the Italian lyrics with an English translation, notes  Verdi composed  Nabucco  at a difficult moment in his life. His wife and small children had all just died of various illnesses. Despite a purported vow to abstain from opera-writing, he had contracted with  La Scala  to write another opera and the director, Bartolomeo Merelli, forced the  libretto  into his hands . There is a touching image at 4:40 of a medic cradling Italy as a new-born child. I first became familiar with this beautiful chorus back in the 1950s when it was regularly played on  Hospitals Requests  on Wednesdays at lunch time on Radio  Éireann, Ireland's state-owned national radio

Pandemic Perspectives

COVID-19, a coronavirus disease caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus, is still spreading. Thousands have died. Nearly 900,000 have been infected. A great many more are affected, directly or indirectly. Some are behaving badly. We cannot cure this disease. We can only endure it, or die trying. That's the bad news. The good news, part of it, is that this isn't the 14th century. We've learned a bit since the Black Death was spreading across Eurasia. Quite a bit, actually. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Dreary Outside, Self-Isolating Inside

I'm writing this partly as a followup on Thursday's "Self-Isolation in the Family" post. And partly because I got frustrated with what I'd been trying to write today. My son is still sick, and it's a damply dismal Saturday afternoon. Outside temperature is 40 degrees Fahrenheit, 4 Celsius.... ...The family’s self-isolation went up a notch when Bishop Kettler said that churches should close their doors.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Self-Isolation in the Family

COVID-19, the pandemic coronavirus disease, has come to my house. Maybe. My son has been sick. Yesterday he had a telephone checkup. I don't know what the official term is for a medical interview conducted via telephone. He's been told to self-isolate.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

‘Do you believe in the Son of Man?’ Sunday Reflections, 5th Sunday of Lent, Year A

The Raising of Lazarus Rembrandt [ Web Gallery of Art ] There is  a very good commentary  on this painting in the March 2020 issue of the liturgical monthly  Magnificat. A Comment on the Covid-19 Pandemic A diocesan priest in Canada, officially retired but very active pastorally in his diocese and who is a good friend, sent me the following, which I have slightly edited, a few days ago . I can see how this trial can make for a great Easter. Only our relationship with Christ cannot be destroyed by the horrors of the world. The prayer on the opening Sunday of Lent reads:  Grant, almighty God, through the yearly observance of holy Lent,  that we may grow in understanding of the riches hidden in Christ  and by worthy conduct pursue their effects .  Through our Lord Jesus Christ your Son, who ives and reigns with you in the unity of the Holy Spirit,one God, for ever and ever.  The Season of Lent will deliver us into the riches hidden in Christ  [ emphasis  ad