
'When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy.' Sunday Reflections for the Epiphany.

Adoration of the Magi , Francisco de Zurbarán, 1639-40 ( Web Gallery of Art ) Readings   (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings   (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, India [optional], Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa)  Gospel   Matthew 2:1-12   (Revised Standard Version – Catholic Edition) Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea in the days of Herod the king, behold, wise men from the East came to Jerusalem, saying, "Where is he who has been born king of the Jews? For we have seen his star in the East, and have come to worship him." When Herod the king heard this, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him; and assembling all the chief priests and scribes of the people, he inquired of them where the Christ was to be born. They told him, "In Bethlehem of Judea; for so it is written by the prophet: 'And you, O Bethlehem, in the land of Judah, are by no means least among the rulers of Judah; for fr

Pope's new year address deplores rampant capitalism

Pope Benedict XVI has condemned "unregulated capitalism" for contributing to world tension, in a new year address to worshippers. The Pope also thanked the world's peacemakers and said humanity had "an innate vocation for peace". The Roman Catholic Church leader  spoke at a Mass  in the Vatican, then greeted a crowd outside St Peter's Basilica. He deplored "hotbeds of tension and conflict caused by growing instances of inequality between rich and poor". Those "hotbeds" also grew out of "the prevalence of a selfish and individualistic mindset which also finds expression in an unregulated financial capitalism", as well as "various forms of terrorism and crime", he said. The 85-year-old pontiff delivered a prayer for peace to the crowd in St Peter's Square after his homily at Mass. "The peacemakers are many, but they are not loud. As leaven in dough, they raise humanity according to God's plan,&

A New Beginning

O my beloved God,  You are beauty itself,  goodness itself, and love itself...  how foolish I have been.   In my past I ha v e offered numberless insults to You, and I now promise and desire  to repeat every moment of my life  that I may desire You only, O my God, and nothing more.                                                                  St. Alphonsus de Liguori

Pope's prayer intentions for January

Pope's prayer intentions for January

Little Flower's Crown of Roses...: My Secret Garden....

Little Flower's Crown of Roses...: My Secret Garden.... : The Rose of All Roses, Wilhelm Menzler Today at Mass, the Priest mentioned how our souls are a little plot of land that God gives us a...

Embracing Motherhood: Chatting about Rooted in Love and the true Dignity of Women

Embracing Motherhood: Chatting about Rooted in Love and the true Dignity of Women

Sorry, No Steeple

“Sorry, No Steeple…but we do have a drive-thru” is what the clever, cool, hip billboard sign proclaims. I wasn’t exactly sure what it meant so I didn’t pay it much never-mind.  Then another one popped up with something that was, to me, similarly vague: We don’t accept perfect people.  Still, not paying attention.  Then a topic of conversation was begun in my small Catholic study group. The essence of the conversation, which has taken more than a few twists and turns along the way, was this: Should we allow—or even encourage—our Catholic teens to attend non-denominational churches? In particular, this local one with the clever, cool, hip billboards? In a way, though, the conversation was almost a non-issue since it appeared that our Catholic teens (and even many of our adults) were already attending on their own without our small group’s permission—or seemingly without much guilt, either.  At first we decided this was a good thing. Maybe because our hand was forced: everyone was doin

Thoughts on Grace: Blessed Are Those Who Believe

Thoughts on Grace: Blessed Are Those Who Believe : "Blessed are you who believed that what was spoken to you  by the Lord would be fulfilled." - Luke 1:45     I would like to think that I h...

For the 4th Sunday of Advent: Mary’s Faith

For the 4th Sunday of Advent: Mary’s Faith

O Antiphon for December 23: "O Emmanuel"

O Antiphon for December 23: "O Emmanuel"

Catholicseeking: O God With Us

Catholicseeking: O God With Us : Emmanuel, our King and our Law-giver, Longing of the Gentiles, yea, and salvation thereof, come to save us, O Lord our God! My soul doth ...

Pope Benedict condemns gay marriage as 'insidious' threat to society

Pope Benedict XVI has condemned gay marriage as an 'insidious' threat to society as he addressed thousands of pilgrims at the shrine of Fatima in Portugal. He encouraged his listeners to work against a proposed law that will legal gay marriage. The Pope was wrapping up his trip to Portugal where more than 90 per cent of the population is officially Catholic. Pope Benedict XVI leads the Rosary at the Chapel of the Apparitions in Fatima's Sanctuary where 500,000 pilgrims attended. He used the event to condemn gay marriage and abortion In his afternoon address to Catholic charity and social workers, the 83-year-old German Pope said he 'deeply appreciated' initiatives aimed at defending what he said were 'essential and primary values of life'. Among these values, he said, was 'the family, founded on indissoluble marriage between a man and a woman', which is Vatican-speak for its opposition to gay marriage. The audience applauded when th

The Biggest Heart of All

St. John Vianney - Saint of the Confessional Audio of Blogpost I think that God gives His priests the biggest hearts.  Because in the confessional we are each given a little piece of that heart of a priest.  After how many thousands of confessions over a lifetime, each one taking a little piece of their hearts, yet the heart still beats and continues in love to give to the next one to come into the confessional.  The heart of a Priest is not diminished by this giving of itself, for each penitent receives the same measure of the heart that reflects God's own heart for the soul seeking absolution.  ========================= What St. John Vianney said about the importance of confession - click HERE Here is an Audio of the same link above - AUDIO OF ST. JOHN VIANNEY ON CONFESSIONAL

The St Genesius Blog: A Novena to the Holy Innocents

The St Genesius Blog: A Novena to the Holy Innocents : It time for a Novena!   Novena: Pray for an end to abortion and violence against children By Bishop Jaime Soto,  Bishop of Sacram...

Father Reto Preaches: Third O Antiphon - O Radix Jesse

O Antiphons

The 'O' Antiphons are used as the introduction and conclusion to the Magnificat at Evening Prayer and as the text of the Gospel Acclamation during the final days of Advent, 17th - 23rd December. The exact origin of the 'O' Antiphons is not known. Boethius (c. 480-524) made a slight reference to them, thereby suggesting their presence at that time. By the eighth century, they were in use in the liturgical celebrations in Rome. The importance of 'O' Antiphons is twofold: each one highlights a title of the Messiah:  O Sapientia  (O Wisdom),  O Adonai  (O Lord),  O Radix Jesse (O Root of Jesse),  O Clavis David  (O Key of David),  O Oriens  (O Rising Sun),  O Rex Gentium  (O King of the Nations), and  O Emmanuel;  also, each one refers to the prophecy of Isaiah looking forward to the coming of the Messiah. 23rd December Emmanuel , you are our king and judge, the one whom the peoples await and their Saviour. O come and save us, Lord, our God. Emmanuel:

19 December / Advent Calendar / Featured / Home / Catholic News - The Catholic Church for England and Wales

19 December / Advent Calendar / Featured / Home / Catholic News - The Catholic Church for England and Wales

Mommy of Many Trades: Book review: A Special Mother is Born

My friend Jessica Heeran, the mother of three lovely children including little Joey who has Down syndrome, blogs about my book, "A Special Mother is Born". Mommy of Many Trades: Book review: A Special Mother is Born : A little over one year ago, my friend Leticia Velaquez, a fellow mother who was also blessed with a child that has Down syndrome.

The Catholic Young Woman: Welcome, Advent

The Catholic Young Woman: Welcome, Advent : As I snuggle under a fleecy snowflake blanket in my cozy chair, devotionals in my lap and a cup of tea in my hand, I watch the single candl...

18 December / Advent Calendar / Featured / Home / Catholic News - The Catholic Church for England and Wales

18 December / Advent Calendar / Featured / Home / Catholic News - The Catholic Church for England and Wales

1. I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day - Casting Crowns



I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day Their old familiar carols play, And wild and sweet the words repeat Of peace on earth, good will to men. Sunday was Gaudete Sunday!  Rejoice!  It is almost time!  Rose, not purple.   We get a brief reprieve from our preparations to focus on the joy of the season.   I thought how, as the day had come, The belfries of all Christendom Had rolled along the unbroken song Of peace on earth, good will to men. As predictable as the sunrise, Christian men and women cannot contain our joyful excitement.  There are pageants and nativity displays.  We sing carols.  Everywhere, people are smiling, even at strangers.  Charities get more donations.  Everyone is focused on giving.  What will I give?  Who will I give to?   And in despair I bowed my head: "There is no peace on earth," I said, "For hate is strong and mocks the song Of peace on earth, good will to men." Then the spell of the season is broken.  There is a display in Time

Communion on the Tongue...Think about it!

Want to Listen instead of Read? Here is an Audio of the Following Posting =============================== When we take Holy Communion (note the word "Holy") - do we think about what we are doing? Do we prepare for the most  important act we can ever do in our entire lives? Yes, I said the MOST important act you can ever do in your entire life, greater than any stature you may attain or any choices that you make in life.   You are taking into yourself, the Body, (Not bread - it is no longer bread, it is our Lord Jesus in the hidden form - but no less real.) Why do the Eucharistic miracles find the heart muscle when the Eucharist is examined? (See link at bottom of posting). Are we not taking His very heart into ourselves?  It is His Blood - his true and real blood that He shed for love for us and now we take at Holy Mass.  His, that one gets me.  A touching of His soul with ours which fail Him in so many ways, what love is this!  And finally His Divinity...

17 December / Advent Calendar / Featured / Home / Catholic News - The Catholic Church for England and Wales

17 December / Advent Calendar / Featured / Home / Catholic News - The Catholic Church for England and Wales

Our Lady's Expectation

"Like a secret told by angels, getting known upon the earth, is the Mother's expectation of Messiah's speedy birth."    F. Faber, "Our Lady's Expectations" 

17 December / Advent Calendar / Featured / Home / Catholic News - The Catholic Church for England and Wales

17 December / Advent Calendar / Featured / Home / Catholic News - The Catholic Church for England and Wales

Amid Lockdowns, Christ is Coming

As a public school teacher in the United States, I am accustomed to lock-down drills. In fact, as it happened, we had one Friday. We have one once a month, as the state of New Jersey requires. We have "non fire evacuations" and "lockdowns" and "active shooter" drills. The teens in my care know what to do; we turn off the lights, we lower the shades, we huddle in a corner and we stay quiet and we wait until the all clear. I can see from the news coverage that those kindergartners and their teachers were trained too, on how to deal with a shooter in the building.... Read more here...


Sunday, December 16, 2012 Pope: prayers at Angelus for victims of Connecticut school massacre (Vatican Radio) Pope Benedict XVI prayed for the victims of Friday’s mass murder of school children in Newtown, Connecticut on Sunday. Speaking in English to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter’s Square to pray the Angelus with him on this third Sunday in Advent, the Holy Father renewed expressions (first offered on Friday in a Message of condolence to the Diocese of Bridgeport, of which Newtown is part) of his profound grief over the incident, as well as his promises of prayers for the victims and spiritual closeness to their families. The Pope went on to call all the faithful everywhere to renew their prayer and action in favour of the cause of peace. Below, please find the full text and audio of Pope Benedict's English remarks: ************************************** I greet all the English-speaking pilgrims and visitors present at today’s Angelus. I was deeply saddene

Thoughts on Grace: Rejoice!

Thoughts on Grace: Rejoice! : Exhorting them in many other ways, he preached good news to the people. - Luke 3:18  The Third Sunday of Advent is Guadete Sunday. Guadete...
Q uestion:  What Is Gaudete Sunday? Certain Sundays throughout the  liturgical year  have taken their names from the first word in Latin of the Introit, the entrance antiphon at Mass. Gaudete Sunday is one of these. Answer:  Gaudete Sunday is the Third Sunday of  Advent . (See the Liturgical Calendar for Advent  to find the date of Gaudete Sunday this year.) The Introit for Gaudete Sunday, in both the  Traditional Latin Mass  and the  Novus Ordo , is taken from Philippians 4:4,5: " Gaudete in Domino semper " ("Rejoice in the Lord always"). Like  Lent , Advent is a penitential season, so the priest normally wears  purple vestments . But on Gaudete Sunday, having passed the midpoint of Advent, the Church lightens the mood a little, and the priest may wear rose vestments. The change in color provides us with encouragement to continue our spiritual preparation—especially prayer and fasting —for  Christmas . For this same reason, the third candle of the  Advent