
Let Jesus be Your Shepherd. This Sunday's Responsorial Psalm has long been one of my favorite Bible readings, especially in times of crisis. If you know a family in crisis or if it is your family that is, unbelievably, falling apart while you watch powerlessly, I hope you find Psalm 23 comforting and strengthening as I have. Responsorial Psalm  PS 23:1-3A, 3B-4, 5, 6 R/ (6cd) I shall live in the house of the Lord all the days of my life. The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. In verdant pastures he gives me repose; beside restful waters he leads me; he refreshes my soul. Right away, this Psalm takes away our arguments. The marriage, the family, the car, the health insurance, the dreams of the house with the white picket fence…all are gone, and yet, the Lord tells us to not want. This verse reminds me of the Parable of the Prodigal Son. When the Good Son asked his father why he hadn't received the good the sinful brother had, the father replied, "all tha

God's Kingdom, a Wedding Parable, and the Rest of the Story

28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2014: Isaiah 25:6 - 10a Philippians 4:12 - 14 , 19 - 20 Matthew 22:1 - 14 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time 2014 By Deacon Lawrence N. Kaas October 12, 2014 This is a story of an older couple to be married. Both had lost their spouses to death and had grown children. The combined children sent out this wedding invitation to their friends on behalf of their mother and father, Philip, Richard, Karen and Allison, John, Matt and Steve, we request your presence at the marriage of our mother and father. Because they are combining two households, they already have at least two of everything, so please! no presents! Reception and garage sale immediately following the ceremony.... (A guest post) More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Can you Spare 3 Hail Marys a day this week to pray for Peace?

Our Mother reminds us to pray for peace. Hail Mary, Full of Grace, the Lord is with you. Each of us must pray for the peace of God  in our hearts, in our lives, in our nation, and  in our world. Blessed are you among women, and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.  If our world converts, then there will be peace. The peace of God, which transcends all, will fill our hearts, our minds and our souls.   Read More at:: His Unending Love

Tribal Living

Tribal Textiles   License : CC Fanny Schertzer Who’s your "tribe"? Who supports your mission as a family? Historically (and pre-historically), humans congregated in tribes. Tribal living made us safer, distributed our work, and connected us with strong bonds. Many people, especially women, probably didn’t have much choice about the tribe they belonged to or their place in it. Our modern, mobile society has improved things in this respect: if I don’t get along with my family or I hate the weather, I can always pack up and move. Yet this mobility has weakened our bonds. Read on at Praying with Grace !

Overcoming Discouragement Through the Stations of the Cross

When I find myself in times of spiritual dryness and discouragement, my "go-to" devotion is the Stations of the Cross. My flesh is indeed weak, but the grace and power that flows from the Lord's crucified body is enough for me. Click here to read more...  and share what your favorite prayer or devotion is when you are experiencing discouragement.

Do you go to confession?

Do you go to  confession ?  Do you still go to a priest one on one?  Or do you just do the Communal Confession at Mass? To read the rest of the article and to respond to my very scientific poll (!), go to Being Catholic ... Really .

Death Compared to Divorce - Lessons from Isaiah 25

The Lord heals wounds caused by death & divorce. In a "normal" week (I'm a single Mom of five boys. Nothing in our lives is "normal!" ;) ) I'd talk about Sunday's Gospel reading and how it applies to hurting families. Today, I couldn't look at just the Gospel though. Today, every reading struck me as so applicable to what so many of us are facing, so this week, I'm taking separate looks at the  first reading, the responsorial Psalm, and the Gospel . Today, we start with the first message I got from reading: Isaiah 25: 6-10. Is Divorce Worse Than Death? The 1st Reading - Isaiah 25:6-10 Early in the reading, we are told that God will destroy death forever. What living death is more pronounced, what death is felt by more than a small group of people, what death impacts the entire society more than the destruction of the family? I can think of none. It has been said that divorce is worse than death. This is not at all bel

Time For a Smile

It is good to laugh at ourselves. Thomas Merton wrote deep insights on contemplation and society but even he says that we often take ourselves too seriously. “I think the chief reason why we have so little joy is that we take ourselves too seriously. Joy can only be real if it is based on truth, and since the fall of Adam all man’s life is shot through falsehood and illusion. ”   The best response to life’s absurdities and our own weaknesses is laughter. Melanie Once when Merton was asked how you can tell if a man has been through inner transformation, he replied that it was very difficult to tell, but it is usually accompanied by a wonderful sense of humour. So with these thoughts in the back of my mind, I present  some Catholic humour for your enjoyment. if you to laugh some more>

Do You Know the Four Marks of the Church?

Every time a Catholic recites the  Nicene Creed , he is proclaiming belief in the “Four Marks of the Church.” He joins with all other believers and professes a faith which says, “We believe in  one ,  holy ,  catholic , and  apostolic  church…” These “four marks” are called “indelible” in that they cannot be changed or removed. They are the same as when Christ founded the church and will remain the same until his return. As indicated in the  Nicene Creed , they bind together the believers in a unique and significant way. The first mark: the church is  one . As diverse as we are, we are also considered  one  in that we are one body in Christ. Even as we bring our different cultures to the one body of Christ, we all believe that this Christ is our Lord and Savior; in him we have our redemption.  All who have been baptized are part of his one, true church. read more here

New on the Blogroll:

There's something new on the blogroll , under ' Something Else :' " Prayer Change Everything ;" live Rosary online, prayer requests. A very little more at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Thank You, Sister Marcy Claudia!

(This post is a repeat of a post I wrote in March.) Today, as we walk this Lenten Camino, let us remember those who influenced us, in a particular way, as Catholics.  Then, let us thank God, and if we can, thank them, for their influence in our spiritual development.  Let us also remember to reverence the Holy Name of Jesus. I’ll never forget Sister Mary Claudia. She was my first grade teacher at St. Mary’s.  She was a Sister of Charity from Cincinnati.  Sister Mary Claudia and her fellow sisters wore the full habit.  The sides of her face were encased in her wimple and veil.  How she could see us, I’ll never know, but she knew what we were going to do before we did it!  I remember that she was about 10 feet tall and did not put up with nonsense, at. all.  Once, she made me stay in from play during the lunch break for talking when we were supposed to be doing our arithmetic.  I didn’t dare tell my mother because I knew the kind of trouble I’d be in for disobeying Siste

The Grille Works Both Ways

I realized something today. The grille works both ways. When we speak of seeing and responding to every person and every situation through the "grillwork of the will of God," we're not talking about hiding behind a one-way mirror. Ours is usually hidden "grillwork," yes, and we can love God with all our hearts without calling a lot of attention to that fact. But the grille works both ways. Not only do we see others through it; they can see us "through it" as well. Oh, they don't see our faces criss-crossed, and we generally look just like everyone else TO everyone else. But if we're interacting with the world "through the will of God," sooner or later our point of view is going to show..... (continue)

Synod 14: What I Expect, and What I Don't

(From John Hart Studios, used w/o permission.) This post is not about global warming, the coming ice age, or manure burying London. Don't laugh: in 1894 the Times of London ran a warning that London would be under nine feet of manure by 1944. ( July 9, 2011 ) Wikipedia has a list of fizzled apocalypses, from 634 BC to 2013 AD; and that's another topic. Topics. ( February 25, 2014 ; November 29, 2013 ) Synod 14, an extraordinary assembly of the Synod of Bishops, is in progress. It's running from the 5th to the 19th of this month. In this post, I'll be looking at what I expect from the Synod; what I don't expect; and why I'm not upset that the Synod probably won't address the annual collision of Mother's Day and fishing season in Minnesota. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Atheists: Compassion Not Condemnation

It is easy to become self-righteous or defensive when I feel attacked by  atheists. It is a natural, human reaction. However, indignant rants which bludgeon the unbeliever with the ‘truth’ treats them as objects and not an intelligent people who are also loved by God.  When I am  secure in the Love of God, I can love and respect everyone because I do not feel threatened.  Then it is possible to encourage real dialogue which actually listens to the crux of  atheists’ concerns and doubts. Such dialogue opens the door for the Holy Spirit to become the Divine Moderator of the discussion. 1 Corinthians 13: 4   Love is always patient and kind; love is never jealous; love is not boastful or conceited,  5   it is never rude and never seeks its own advantage, it does not take offence or store up grievances.  6   Love does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but finds its joy in the truth….. 9 For we know only imperfectly…  12  Now we see only reflections in a mirror, mere riddles, but then we shall

Imagine - New Version


A Woman of Faith Ages Gracefully, Right?

You’ve discovered what it truly means to be “young at heart.” The wrinkles around your mouth and the pouchy jowls have no effect on you. You see the varicose veins in your legs and feet as a sign of victory—having carried children and lifted the loads of life. You are able to make fun of your bat wings and still wear sleeveless shirts in the summer. That’s what it means to grow old gracefully; it is a sign of maturity of spirit. Something we attain while we nurture others and as we, ourselves, learn and grow from life’s experiences. Yeah, not so much… read mroe here

The Rosary with the Great Painters

Virgin and Child with a Rosary , Murillo, 1650-55 Museo del Prado, Madrid ‘The Rosary belongs among the finest and most praiseworthy traditions of Christian contemplation. Developed in the West,it is a typically meditative prayer, corresponding in some way to the “prayer of the heart” or “Jesus prayer” which took root in the soil of the Christian East.' [St John Paul II,  Rosarium Virginis Mariae , No 5.]’ The Rosary here is the formula prayed by members of the  Legion of Mary . There are various ways of beginning and ending the Rosary but the Five Mysteries are the heart of the prayer. The most common formula of the Rosary is  here . I have posted the four sets of the Mysteries of the Rosary on the Forum page of , the magazine of the Columbans in the Philippines of which I am editor. The links are below. You can also find the same posts on my personal blog, Bangor to Bobbio . All paintings from   Web Gallery of Art    The Joyful Mysteries ,  The M

‘Go . . . and invite everyone you find to the wedding banquet.' Sunday Reflections, 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year A

The Inspiration of St Matthew , Caravaggio, 1602 Contarelli Chapel, San Luigi dei Francesi, Rome [ Web Gallery of Art ] Readings   (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings   (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales, India [optional], Ireland, New Zealand, Pakistan, Scotland, South Africa) Gospel   Matthew 22:1-14 [or 22:1-10]  ( New Revised Standard Version, Catholic Edition : Canada)  Jesus said to the chief priest and the elders of the people:  “The kingdom of heaven may be compared to a king who gave a wedding banquet for his son.   He sent his slaves to call those who had been invited to the wedding banquet, but they would not come.   Again he sent other slaves, saying, ‘Tell those who have been invited: Look, I have prepared my dinner, my oxen and my fat calves have been slaughtered, and everything is ready; come to the wedding banquet.’   But they made light of it and went away, one to his farm, another to his business,   while the rest seized

Keeping God in U.S. History

Whether acknowledged or not, there’s a real debate going on in today’s society over whether or not to keep God in U.S. history. And understandably so. It’s hard to justify getting rid of God and religion, or at least heavily regulating it to the private realm to the extent that speaking and acting on one’s personal belief can be construed as intolerant, bigoted or downright wrong, without sidelining the role and presence of God/religion in the past. It’s much harder to do away with something that has played a crucial role in history and culture than it is to get rid of something that we pretend never really existed, or at least didn’t exist the way we all “thought” it did. Funny thing is, though, that history doesn’t change. Our understanding of history and the way history is presented might change, but HISTORY itself doesn’t. What happened, happened, whether or not we acknowledge it. While the “penumbra” of the constitution might be constantly reinterpreted to support any which a

Where Do You Meet Jesus Each Day?

Starbucks?  Mass?  The Park?  On a Walk?  At the Adoration Chapel? We each need a place, a physical place, to meet Him.  As Catholics, we should meet Him and see Him in everything we do and in every word we say, thus we are evangelists, and we serve Him.  Yet, even Jesus went up to the mountain or to a quiet place to pray to the Father.  I have a special place where I meet Jesus daily.  Yes, I go to Mass daily, except, like today, when I couldn't get out of my drive way because of yesterday's storm, but it's not there that I meet Jesus in "Our Place." I am an adorer at Church when Jesus gazes at His children from the Monstrance, but that's not where I meet Jesus. The place I meet Jesus daily is in my living room, on the love seat, across from the couch that my dog occupies.  I meet Jesus in this spot everyday.  Even if I'm sick, I seem to find my way down to this love seat.  It's here that I open my heart to have a conversation with J