
Receiving Jesus




What would the Trade Unions say about Jesus?


| Girly Is Good |

Hi there, ya'll!! =) A few weeks ago I made an appointment (haha, just kidding, my mom made the appointment.  Making it myself would require using the phone, and this introverted lass doesn't use the phone unless absolutely necessary) with my doctor to have him look at a strange rash all over my back and legs.  Turns out it was a pretty bad Staph infection, so I have been quarantined in my room for the past couple of weeks with nothing to do but read and search Amazon Instant Video for movies to take my mind off the itching.  One of the movies I tried was the chick flick "So Undercover" with Miley Cyrus (I was REALLY bored, don't judge) and the twenty-three minutes I watched of it gave me a lot to think about.  The main character is a tough, foul mouthed, slouchy young woman who spends her days riding a motorcycle around her town and working as a private investigator.  One day an FBI agent shows up and offers her a job where she would be working undercover as a

Greed, Avarice and Envy, and the Tenth Commandment

Greed, avarice and envy are all at the root of contradiction with the Tenth Commandment: “You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods” (Ex 20:17). With greed, there aren’t enough earthly goods to satisfy us. We’ll always want more. Remember the old line, “keeping up with the Joneses?” With greed, we must always have more, or better, than the Joneses. Avarice, on the other hand, is an inordinate desire to accumulate wealth. One can never have enough money. And then there’s envy; the inordinate desire to want what someone else has, simply because they have it and you do not. All three – greed, avarice and envy – try to fill holes that only God can fill. All three have at their root in the sin of pride. Battling with Greed, Avarice and Envy If we don’t have the latest gadgets, if we don’t have enough money, what will people think of us? Will they think less of us? Our pride drives us to... Read more...

Mexico under material rubble but stronger than ever.

        The past few days have been very hard for our people, specially in the far away towns where help does not arrive quickly. Please help in any way you can! For the emergency has passed but the reconstruction just begins... and most of the ones that los

Prayer Routine: Month Eight

Jesus said we should always pray. Our Lord gave us pointers about prayer, too: the parable of the persistent widow and another about the pharisee and the tax collector. That's in Luke 18:1 - 14 . Maybe someone's taken those verses and decided it means that Christians should be saying prayers 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Or at least until our voices give out or we drop from exhaustion. I'm pretty sure that's not what our Lord had in mind. Prayer is important, though. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Hello from "Messy Buns and Latin Chant"!

Nice to meet you all! My name is Hilary Thompson and I am so excited to join this family of bloggers. I am a mother of two little boys (and more to come, I'm sure) and an organist on weekends. I have a special love for the music of the Old Rite and the Big Green Catechism of the Catholic Church.  Please stop by my blog,  "Messy Buns and Latin Chant" .  From "Thank God I am a Catholic" Catholics have a monopoly on Truth. We don't have to just say, "We believe that this is true", we can also say, "We know this is true." Jesus told us that He is "the Truth" (John 14:6) and that He left His Church the fullness of Truth. While we may not completely understand the teachings of the Church at all times, we have the surety that Her teachings are infallible and will always lead us to God. The Truth we have is not something stagnant or quiet. The Truth of Christ is something that challenges us to learn, grow, evangelize, and figh

'Or are you envious because I am generous?' Sunday Reflections, 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time, Year A

The Red Vineyard, Van Gogh [ Web Gallery of Art ] Readings (New American Bible: Philippines, USA) Readings (Jerusalem Bible: Australia, England & Wales) Gospel Matthew 20:1-16a ( NRSV,CatholicEdition ) Jesus told his disciples this parable: ‘For the kingdom of heaven is like a landowner who went out early in the morning to hire labourers for his vineyard. After agreeing with the labourers for the usual daily wage, he sent them into his vineyard. When he went out about nine o’clock, he saw others standing idle in the market-place; and he said to them, “You also go into the vineyard, and I will pay you whatever is right.” So they went. When he went out again about noon and about three o’clock, he did the same. And about five o’clock he went out and found others standing around; and he said to them, “Why are you standing here idle all day?” They said to him, “Because no one has hired us.” He said to them, “You also go into the vineyard.” When evening came, the owner of

An Ichthyosaur Tale

A nation's schools are returning to traditional values. Whether that's good or bad news depends partly on how you see what we've learned since about 1859. I think we've learned more about how the universe works, and that this is good news. We haven't consistently made good use of the knowledge, but that's our problem. We've made good and bad use of everything we've learned, from using fire to writing blogs. Whether it's good or bad depends on us, not fire or the Internet. And that's another topic. Two scientists studied an ichthyosaur that had been used as a wall decoration. What they learned adds to what we're learning about those critters. I think that's worthwhile. More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Marriage IS a Vocation

In the midst of preparing for a religious vocation, God surprised me.  He upended my life in a single day when I met Michael, my future husband. I was secretly disappointed I was not going to be a nun because I imagined myself embracing a heroic calling. I literally felt a sinking feeling when I surrendered my grandiose schemes and dreams, even though I knew without a doubt marriage to this man was the will of God. Now, I have to laugh because m arriage is a powerful vocation with the potential to transform us into saints continue

Many Ways to Steal! An Elaboration on the Seventh Commandment

So, you think you know what it means to steal? Why, it is the taking of another’s property against the owner’s will, right? Yes, but stealing also includes: vandalism, cheating on exams, reporting more payroll hours than actually worked, wasting time at work, price gouging, shoplifting ,” 1   as well as, finding things of value and not returning them to the rightful owner. Let’s also include: “failure to pay taxes and bills, overspending the money of another person, failing to put in an honest day’s work, and reneging on a business contract.” 2   Let’s finish off this massive list with the well known actions of robbery and excessive gambling. This laundry list of 13 different actions sum up how to violate the Seventh Commandment: “You shall not steal” (Ex 20:15). You thought you were scot-free because you never held anyone at gunpoint and took their watch and money, or because you never robbed a bank, right? Well... Read more...

Blessed Virgin Mary, the Color Blue, Tabby Cats, and Tears

The centennial year of Our Lady of Fatima is coming to a close. Therefore, for today’s blog, I offer a few frivolous facts about Mary. For heavier explanations, see my previous blogs about our Blessed Mother or read one of my bestselling books The Catholic Companion to Mary , which has theology as well as “tidbits” of information.  For starters: A candidate for a religious men’s community showed up one morning with blue hair.  The novice director inwardly groaned, but then the lad explained, “I dyed it blue in honor of Mary. Today is her feast day.”  click to continue

To Love A Priest


#RealityHigh: What Have Young Adult Movies Come To?

I love a good young adult, coming of age story. And... I hate a bad one. There's been a weird phenomenon lately, where most of the ones I've see on-screen have been falling into the latter category. After watching (part of) the Netflix “ 13 Reasons Why ” series, I was beginning to doubt I'd ever find anything similar to my good old young adult favorites – movies like Mean Girls , or Juno , or Bring It On (only the first one!) that are about growing up but are well-done enough that adults like them too (or maybe even more). So when Netflix's original movie #RealityHigh showed up on their new release list, I was hopeful but had my doubts... Continue Reading

Multiple Sins Against Chastity - A Look at the Ninth Commandment

Human love demands a total self-giving of one to another within the covenant of marriage. There is no room for self-gratification, or for expressions of sexual intercourse aside from the conjugal act within marriage. For when these things happen, they are not based on love. Rather, they are based upon deception and a misuse of one’s own sexuality. Actions such as these, linked to the Ninth Commandment, diminish the dignity of all parties involved. Innately, we all know this, because God has infused within each one of us His Natural Law of right versus wrong. Yet, we still commit the sins against Chastity. Sins Against Chastity We know that to practice Chastity, we are to refrain from engaging in sexual relations with someone other than one’s own spouse. When we do not refrain from doing so, we commit the sins of... Read more...

Mother's Love


Second Collections

The neighborhood parish took a second collection again today. This week's was to help folks hit by Hurricane Irma. The one before that was for those affected by Harvey. Folks in the Caribbean, Gulf Coast, and Florida weren't the only ones dealing with disaster recently.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

"Raving Politics"

Quite a few parts of the Bible don't talk about forgiveness. But quite a few do, and they're not just in the New Testament. This morning's second reading doesn't mention forgiveness directly, but the verse right after it does. They all say why forgiving is a good idea. It's enlightened self-interest, in the long run.... More at A Catholic Citizen in America .

Finally Getting Answers

Back when I was in college I remember experiencing debilitating fatigue and muscle weakness. I thought I was just being lazy. After I had my second kid, it got worse. Again, I thought I was just being lazy.  There were days I couldn't even pull myself off the couch. One day that was particularly awful, I heard the Lord tell me that I had a physical illness. He also showed me some other stuff which you can read about  here . That began the long road to getting answers. Continue Reading @ Beautifulthorns>