A cry for life...

Listening to the radio this lunchtime, I heard a woman on a discussion show describe how she aborted her 3rd child, the fruit of a stable relationship, because the family income was just a little too much to qualify for Child Benefit. She talked about the "wonderful counsellors" at the abortion agency who helped her come to this decision, and their "care and support".

For the sake of a few pounds a week, a human life was torn from what should be the safest place in the world, his/her Mother's womb.

When my children were small, we were living on an extremely low wage and had no luxuries. There were times when we had to rely on the generosity of others, and help from the state. And yet our girls were richly blessed with love, joy and laughter, and have grown to be lovely young women with children of their own.

I feel such pity and sorrow for this Mother, who has been led to believe that we can put a price on a human life. May God have mercy on her, and may we all offer up an act of penance to God today for the unborn children who never live to see their Mother's smile... :(


  1. God forgive them,they know not what they do.

  2. A very sad piece, I can't quite get my head around that. Has human life really become so cheap?

  3. Autumn,
    This is so sad to read. I pray that God changes this culture of death that hangs like a shroud over my country and yours and replaces it with a deep respect for all human life.

  4. Autumn, my heart breaks for those children.


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