
I would imagine that at least a FEW of you here also have a Facebook account and this question is for do you feel about posting things that others may not agree with you...for example something like Abortion??  I'm thinking of deleting my FB account, lately reading it just gets me in a bad mood.  Does anyone else feel this way??


  1. I put things that I know others will be upset with all the time. Often I do it because I want to bate some of my non-catholic "friends" into a heated discussion. I do the same for my blog (though most agree with my views otherwise they wouldn't follow me). If I kept things mild I wouldn't have the opportunity to spread the Good News to others who otherwise wouldn't hear it. However if FB is an occasion of sin for you then certainly get rid of it.

  2. Hi Lindy, I heard about your blog from Trish at Lily Cottage and came over to say hello! I am a Catholic Blogger and I do blog a lot about abortion but I have done very little on my FB page. I'm never on there anymore for lack of interest really. I much prefer the blogosphere!

  3. Hello Lindy, My friends and I often have this discussion. FB has an opportunity to delete temporarily too, so you could always do that. I like having FB because a lot of my friends use it and sometimes I'll see their status and know I need to pray for them. I also like to use it for spreading the good news by simply putting a quote or a bible verse for my friends to see...or a youtube video with a good song. I promote Christ as much as possible on my FB and then if I see a status that's upsetting I'll pray for the person, and if I'm close with them and we're pretty good friends, I'll see if they want to talk. But ultimately, deleting your facebook is your decision. It's also a good way for getting info on events, but I'm also involved in St Paul's Outreach (SPO) which is a large group that utilizes FB event feature. So it depends really on what you use it for. If it's upsetting you a lot, maybe delete in the way that makes it so you can get it back or something like that... My friend deleted hers for advent, and still hasn't gotten it back and she loves not having it because she said she spent a lot of time on it just wasting time.

  4. Deleted mine over Lent,it just eats into your time and I don't miss it at all.

  5. Lindy, I do understand how you feel. I know I read somewhere (sorry I don't remember where) that facebook is not an effective tool for evangelizing, I know not everyone agrees with that, but I have found this to be true. it is a great tool for keeping in light, friendly touch with family and friends. I am no longer active on facebook because of my discomfort with what my prochoice friends were posting, but I did not delete my page. I go there once every few days to see if family members (who live in distant places) have posted photos, I don't want to miss those, and as Amber said, I also like to know when a friend is in crisis and needs my prayers.

  6. I seem to have over 700 "friends" who all seem to be totally Catholic/Christian!

  7. Don't have a Facebook account. Just thankful the Association of Catholic Women Bloggers steers clear of Church politics and contentious issues!

  8. Lindy, I think it depends on what you think you are called to do. Facebook is just a tool, and can run the gamut as far as positive and negative experiences. I found out that my brother who lives in another part of the country, was much sicker than I thought, and my family immediately went and visited him. I also get into contentious discussions on a pro life page and sometimes (verbally) viciously attacked. When I kind of run out of steam, I take a break. I even have had some childhood friends distance them selves because of what they see in my profile and interests. I feel it is a calling and just take breaks when I get worn out. I think it is a very individual thing, and certainly not necessary. If it has a negative drain on a person, I would heartily recommend giving it up. There are lots of ways to be active int eh prolife movement besides facebook!

  9. sorry for all the typos...:P

  10. I have a FB page, but I have ceased posting anything on it. I will leave it up so long-lost friends can still find me and/or send me messages but I don't have much interest in it. If I didn't have a blog, I might feel differently about it, but even though I link to my blog from FB (which was the original reason I started my blog, to help bring my wayward relatives and friends back to the Church) I find that none of them even bothered to take a look. And they are much more concerned with saving abused dogs ( a worthwhile cause, for sure, but...) and not at all concerned with saving babies. Just my two cents worth!

  11. Thank you everyone...this really helped! Last night I ended up deleting the picture that caused the comments,not that ANYONE was unkind...I just felt that it was going nowhere, fast!! Then, I couldn't sleep all night thinking about it! I came to the conclusion that in my passion, I was being judgmental without realizing it! So, this morning I posted something along those lines. But, I do think that I need a break from it. Thank God for this blog and's so much more refreshing to be surrounded by people with like minds! Thank you again!

  12. Lindy I can relate to not sleeping at night! When I used to post contentious blogs it would disturb me..that's why I like the way the ACWB is growing..positive & helpful inspiration...

  13. I've never been on FB. Just doesn't appeal somehow!
    Autumn xx


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