Speaking in Tongues: It's Not Magic, It's Not Mumbling, It's a Mystical Gift!

I hope each of us has had the experience of loving someone so much that words fail us when we try to express that love. Or perhaps a simple "thank you" just doesn't seem like an adequate response to a great gift someone has given you. Similarly, someone may have asked you to pray for them but you find yourself at a loss for exactly what their real prayer need is at that moment. Or, closer to home, we know that we ourselves have a deep down need for healing in some corner of our being but we have no idea where or what that corner is.

In each of these situations and so many many more, the gift of tongues which the Holy Spirit gave me gratuitously years ago has helped me alot. Often, especially after receiving Communion, repeating 'thank you' with all my heart just doesn't seem like enough. Often people, some of whom I've never met, ask for my prayer support. I can easily respond to these intimate moments of prayer because I let the Holy Spirit speak for me "in groans too profound for words", like St Paul says. I simply use the prayer language He gave me and let Him praise, thank or intercede through me.

Earlier this week, in the run-up to the Feast of Pentecost, I've read other Catholic blogs which seem to easily dismiss or disparage this gift of the Holy Spirit. Often the blog post opens the door and the "catholic" commentors pile on. So consider this post equal time. Here a few bullet points from a Catholic Charismaniac:
  1. St Paul tells us that the gift of tongues is the 'least of all the gifts'. In the next breath, he tells us that he cherishes this gift more than 'all of these.' So yes, it is the least and yes, it is nevertheless very precious.
  2. All gifts of the Holy Spirit are given to build up the body of Christ; either our relationship with God or others. There is never ever any room for self display. Since the speaker very seldom understands her prayer language, this gift necessarily involves a death to self in that we need to let our heart speak first instead of our intellect.
  3. Has this gift been abused? Absolutely. Has God given the human race any gift, including His Precious Son, that we haven't abused? No. Does that negate the value of God's gifts to us? No. Those who choose to throw stones probably need to be careful that they don't find themselves at odds with God. Gamaliel had something to say about that in Acts.
  4. It's not possible that God would withhold the gifts of His Spirit from anyone who asks anymore than a father would give his child a stone when he asks for a fish. So, if you want more of any gift that the Holy Spirit has to offer, just ask. Today especially there's a whole lot of grace available for the asking!
  5. See CCC 2003-2004 for a fuller explanation of the charisms. NB**The ACWB is neutral on this charism.


  1. I have some experience of this & hopefully will get chance to post..thanks for sharing your thoughts..

  2. 'Long live the charismatics!'Pope John Paul II, 1981 .

  3. I had the gift of speaking in tongues a long time ago; I never lost it; I think once a gift is given freely by Christ he doesn't take it back. I just need to use it more!

  4. "In each of these situations and so many many more, the gift of tongues which the Holy Spirit gave me gratuitously years ago has helped me alot. Often, especially after receiving Communion, repeating 'thank you' with all my heart just doesn't seem like enough."

    I am so encouraged by this post!! Yesterday, after receiving communion, I went back to my pew and softly prayed in tongues to myself, so over-flowing was my heart with love for our Lord Jesus. I prayed in new words I haven't used before, and it was such a blessing, and I really needed it at this difficult time in my life.
    Autumn xx

  5. Nicely done, a lovely explanation. Many knock what they don't understand...what they don't understand is how freeing praying in tongues is. I need not think about what words to use, I let go and let God. I cherish this gift and use it every day. Thank you for reminding me to use it during Mass. It has made such a great impact in my spiritual life that like any important event, I remember the exact moment I received this gift. N


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