
I recently wrote a post on my blog about how deadly silence can be and how, we, as Catholics, are called upon by God to speak up against the "shroud of sin" which encompasses our world today. After writing this post about silence, I began reflecting on the power of words. On how words have the power to build up or the power to destroy; the power to hurt others or the power to help.

During this reflection I thought about one simple word and the effect it can have on humankind. This word is "yes". Every single "yes" to God has the power to change the world forever. Mother Mary gave her "yes" to God and changed the course of human history.

"Yes" - such a simple word to say to God....yet its effects ripple into eternity.


  1. Such a small word with so much grace if used in response to God's will. The power of words- perhaps this is why Jesus never minced them during His public ministry.
    Excellent post, Mary.

  2. Mary, gosh! What a great reflection!

  3. Yes, perfect! :)

  4. Thank you for your comments, ladies :)

  5. Another great word is 'hello' ... so many are ignored and spend their days lonely, yet surrounded by people

  6. Mary's "yes" deserves unqualified imitation by all Christians. I also thought about Abraham's faith and the "yes" he said to God as he prepared to sacrifice his son. Some "yeses" are very hard to say because we recoil from pain and suffering. It's a good thing we have the gift of fortitude from the Holy Spirit or we'd never make progress in imitating Christ who said the biggest "yes" of all on the Cross!


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