Some Great Catholic Women Thinkers
"I shall put enmity between you and the woman, between your offspring and hers" (Gn 3, 15) Janet Smith (Professor of Moral Philosophy) Articles by Dr. Janet Smith on topics ranging from Abortion, Bioethics, Feminism & Women and the Family to Moral Philosophy and an exhaustive defense of Humanae Vitae, etc.,. ( read on... ) Humanae Vitae: A Generation Later ( read on... ) Contraception: Why Not? ( read on... ) Natural Family Planning and Self-Mastery ( read on... ) The Christian View of Sex: A Time for Apologetics, not Apologies ( read on... ) Language of the Body ( read on... ) Premarital Sex ( read on... ) He Taught Us Who We Are ( read on... ) Dianne Irving (Professor of Philosophy and Medical Ethics) has published a large number of articles by Dr. Irving on the Development of the Embryo, Cloning, the Nature of Bioethics, Embryonic Stem Cell Research, In Vitro Fertilization, the Role of Ethi...