Ist Sunday in Advent

VIA   -   Jesus Mary Joseph 

let us wait for the coming of our Saviour!
First Sunday of Advent


We light a candle today, a small dim light against a world that often seems forbidding and dark. But we light it because we are a people of hope, a people whose faith is marked by an expectation that we should always be ready for the coming of the Master. The joy and anticipation of this season is captured beautifully in the antiphons of hope from the monastic liturgies:

See! The ruler of the earth shall come, the Lord who will take from us the heavy burden of our exile
The Lord will come soon, will not delay.
The Lord will make the darkest places bright.
We must capture that urgency today in the small flame of our candle. We light the candle because we know that the coming of Christ is tied to our building of the kingdom. Lighting the flame, feeding the hungry, comforting the sick, reconciling the divided, praying for the repentant, greeting the lonely and forgotten – doing all these works hastens His coming.
Prayer for the Advent Wreath

Lord, our God, we praise You for Your Son, Jesus Christ, for He is Emmanuel, the Hope of all people.
He is the Wisdom that teaches and guides us.
He is the Savior of us all.
O Lord,
let your blessing come upon us as we light the first (purple) candle of this wreath.
May the wreath and its light be a sign of Christ’s promise of salvation.
May He come quickly and not delay.
We ask this in His holy name. Amen.

Video Reflection Link 2012:

Video Reflection Link2011:

Advent Link:

Prayers Link:
Catholic Collect for the 1st Sunday in Advent

Stir up thy power, O Lord, and come,
that by thy protection we may be rescued
from the dangers that beset us through our sins;
and be a Redeemer to deliver us;
Who livest and reignest with God the Father
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
ever one God, world without end.

May be said while lighting the first Advent Candle

Article Link:

Video Reflection Link:
VIA - Jesus Mary Joseph 
Prayer from the leaflet at the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Malta.

God of Patience, embrace my impatience and lead me into the wonder of waiting, the eagerness of expectancy. Let me experience Your Presence each day as I race about my Christmas Preparations. Do not allow the commercialism of this season to corrupt its holiness. Instead, remind me to give myself time to stop, look and listen, to watch and wait and see. Amen.
let us wait for the coming of our Saviour!
First Sunday of Advent


We light a candle today, a small dim light against a world that often seems forbidding and dark. But we light it because we are a people of hope, a people whose faith is marked by an expectation that we should always be ready for the coming of the Master. The joy and anticipation of this season is captured beautifully in the antiphons of hope from the monastic liturgies:

See! The ruler of the earth shall come, the Lord who will take from us the heavy burden of our exile
The Lord will come soon, will not delay.
The Lord will make the darkest places bright.
We must capture that urgency today in the small flame of our candle. We light the candle because we know that the coming of Christ is tied to our building of the kingdom. Lighting the flame, feeding the hungry, comforting the sick, reconciling the divided, praying for the repentant, greeting the lonely and forgotten – doing all these works hastens His coming.
Prayer for the Advent Wreath

Lord, our God, we praise You for Your Son, Jesus Christ, for He is Emmanuel, the Hope of all people.
He is the Wisdom that teaches and guides us.
He is the Savior of us all.
O Lord,
let your blessing come upon us as we light the first (purple) candle of this wreath.
May the wreath and its light be a sign of Christ’s promise of salvation.
May He come quickly and not delay.
We ask this in His holy name. Amen.

Video Reflection Link 2012:

Video Reflection Link2011:

Advent Link:

Prayers Link:
Prayer from the leaflet at the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Malta.

God of Patience, embrace my impatience and lead me into the wonder of waiting, the eagerness of expectancy. Let me experience Your Presence each day as I race about my Christmas Preparations. Do not allow the commercialism of this season to corrupt its holiness. Instead, remind me to give myself time to stop, look and listen, to watch and wait and see. Amen.
Catholic Collect for the 1st Sunday in Advent

Stir up thy power, O Lord, and come,
that by thy protection we may be rescued
from the dangers that beset us through our sins;
and be a Redeemer to deliver us;
Who livest and reignest with God the Father
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
ever one God, world without end.

May be said while lighting the first Advent Candle

Article Link:

Video Reflection Link:


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