10 Ways to keep your kids Catholic

Watching TV
Watching the events of the last few weeks unfold, I have been struck anew by how many former Catholics there are in the news media. None of them have a clue about what it means to be Catholic. That, coupled with this post at 8 Kids and a Business, got me thinking about how to keep our kids Catholic. I decided to create a list.

Please note: my children are still preteens, so I cannot say, "It worked for us." But I have done some research on the matter, and observed other Catholic families. I've often wondered how my husband and his siblings all remained good Catholics, while some of my siblings did not. I almost left the Church myself in my 20s. I also know that a parent can do everything right, and his children can still choose to leave the Church. We have freewill. This list is not meant for pointing fingers or accusing other parents of failing. It's meant to help those who are raising their kids now and want to do the best they can.

View the list.


  1. Hopefully something will stay with them of the faith they have experienced and even an ember might be fanned into life again :-)

  2. Connie, I nominated you for a Liebster award, but went to put a comment on your blog and realized that you already had one! You deserve it twice, anyway. But don't feel compelled to go through the process again. :)

  3. Karen, thanks so much! I am honored. I'll have to go to your blog and see the other recipients, so I can learn about some other great blogs. Blessings on your day.


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