Abuelo's Catechism

If you have an awesome father-in-law, raise your hand. (I do! I do!) I am so blessed that my in-laws welcomed me into their family and into their faith. After I converted from Episcopalianism to Catholicism, my father-in-law José Antonio joyfully proclaimed, "Relax and enjoy being a Catholic!" He has taught me so much about theology and catechetics, and now it's my kids' turn to benefit from his knowledge.

My husband Manny and I live in the same town as my in-laws, so every Sunday, our kids go to catechism class at their Abuelo and Abuela's house. They gather around the kitchen table with their cousins and listen to whatever topic Abuelo picked for the day. One topic was the glorious bodies we'll receive after Judgment Day. Another was the Apostles' Creed.


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