A Prayer of St. Benedict

"Bestow on me, O gracious, O holy Father,
Intellect to understand You,
Perceptions to love You purely,
Reasoning to discern You,
Diligence to seek You,
Wisdom to find You,
A spirit to know You.

A heart to meditate upon You,
Ears to hear You,
Eyes to behold You,
A tongue to proclaim You,
Conversation pleasing to You,
Patience to wait for You,
Perseverance to look for You.

Grant me a perfect end:  Your holy Presence.

Grant me a blessed resurrection,
and Your recompense,
eternal life."

St. Benedict

post from The Breadbox Letters


  1. powerful prayer and i love the painting or icon of St. Benedict

    1. Thank you, Melanie. I've become quite enamored of this icon!

    2. St. Benedict is protrayed as strong not a limp wimp,with eyes rolled up to heaven


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