Make My Life a Prayer - Introduction

This brainchild of hosting a virtual retreat came out of my own need and desire to unplug, pull away to a quiet place and meet with God.  Since I had a good block of time on my hands with my youngest away for the month, I thought it would be neat to put together a mini-series of articles, links, music, and prayers for ladies to get lost in for a day or two…or three.  I had no idea where the Lord would lead, or the amazing things He was eager to show me while working on the study portions.

I'll post what I have learned from my personal study of what Ray Stedman calls "the longest prayer", our Lord's prayer for us in John chapter 17, as well as the prayer that is called "The Lord's Prayer" or the "Our Father".  I will refer to this prayer as  "the Disciples' Prayer" since it is an account of our Lord teaching His disciples to pray, and has become a model prayer for us, His disciples now.  There is a separate blog post with both texts for your convenience.

I even have a craft project in the works that you can join me in completing, if you like.  I’m compiling a prayer book, composed of some of the “God whispers” I heard while studying through the selected texts.  You can make one too so you’ll have a place to record prayers to memorize, or verses that are special that you wish to memorize or remember, and a list of requests that you may have purposed to pray for.

You can read the whole post introducing this series here


  1. The tradtion of journaling is VERY Catholic. For example the Companions of the Cross, a new order of priests, sanctioned by the pope and faithful to the magisterium, ask their associates to journal everyday about their walk with God, paryers, scripture and what they sense that God is telling them. This is an excellent record to give our spiritual directors, or help us prepare for confession

  2. That doesn't surprise me, Melanie, though it is news to me. There are so many things in my life as a Protestant, that I look back on and realize I was Catholic before I was aware of it, lol.

    My blog really acts as a journal according to the way you are defining it. this little prayer book is more of an artsy type journal with a prayer theme...for the purpose of learning and meditating on these prayers. It's amazing to me, how since I wrote out the Lord's prayer, in little pieces, how much richer the previously memorized words have become, even in reciting at Mass, I can see the pictures and the words, and remember the insights I got while studying it out.



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