The Bride of Christ for Others

I was reduced to tears as I read Sarah’s summation about her impressions of Forming Intentional Disciples: The Path to Knowing and Following Jesus, 
I was particularly struck by the idea of kerygma, the idea that Jesus is the whole reason for everything we do. Period.
We have to have a relationship with Jesus.
Bride of Christ
In fact, I want to break down and weep as I write now.
So many people are cold, hungry and outside the Church
but they do not know where to look for the answers.
I was one of the lucky ones..
and that thought has me breaking down again.
He brought me into His Church in spite of myself
God was so merciful and Kind..
I was  anti-Catholic .
The teachings seemed almost anti-gospel to me.
And then, while i still had a protesting, Protestant mind
the Virgin Mary came to live in my heart.
I remember the imagery that the Spirit gave me as I became a Catholic.
And even more tears well in my heart.
I stood outside a Catholic Church
on the stone steps
but the door was open.
I was dressed as a bride.
the bride of Christ.


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