The Prayers of a Little Saint

Rick Smith, the effervescent dad of "Noah's Dad" fame didn't see it coming. He ignited controversy by saying he wanted to "whack" the saying that God only gives special children to special parents. Tempers ran high and he was stunned to be attacked. He answered with typical good sense and a sense of humor, Christian charity, which is why, even though I disagree with his statement, I wanted to comment on it.
 We both understand that if God were selecting parents of children with special needs, He's doing a crummy job, since around 90% of these parents abort their baby before they realize what a blessing they said "no" to.

So maybe we special needs parents aren't so special. But hold on, I am not ready to toss out the special parent idea just yet. Which one of us hasn't marvelled in the patience we see in the mom or dad who, like Rick, take extra time to teach their babies the simplest skills and broadcast them over the blogosphere as if a new planet had been discovered?! The joy in their beaming faces is a foretaste of heaven, isn't it?
We can see God's grace at work in them, but just how did it get there. Hint, it starts with the word "yes".

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