Honouring the Courage of Newborns

Catechism of the Catholic Church:
2222 Parents must regard their children as children of God and respect them as human persons.

I read this WordPress writing prompt yesterday. October 16th is officially declared “Person   Day” — and you get to pick Person X. Tell us about someone who deserves to be commemorated. The first person to pop into my head was my five-week old granddaughter, not some famous person who has accomplished great deeds. 
My new granddaughter is an old soul.
What I find most startling about this little person called  Lila is this look of utter surprise as she surveys the world. When Lila,  turned at the sound of my voice and looked at me for the first time, her eyes widen suddenly in recognition. It was if she thought,
“Ah, so this is what you look like. I remember your voice.”
She remembered the sound of my voice from when she was in the womb and at 6 hours old, finally put a face to that voice. Lila has been thrust out from the safety and security of the womb into a huge, cold world with bright lights and loud abrasive sounds. She is wise, an old soul who connects with my spirit when we look at each other. It would be an unnerving experience if it were not so profoundly sweet. CONTINUE READING.


  1. Thank God that your granddaughter was born safely. Congratulations to and God’s blessings on all concerned in her coming into the world. Here is what Pope Francis said on 20 September to a gathering of gynecologists about Lila and others while she was waiting to be born: ‘Every unborn child, though unjustly condemned to be aborted, has the face of the Lord, who even before his birth, and then as soon as he was born, experienced the rejection of the world. And every old person, even if infirm and at the end of his days, carries with him the face of Christ. They must not be thrown away!’ [http://www.catholicnews.com/data/stories/cns/1303991.htm] Thank God that in the photo of Lila we can catch another glimpse of ‘the face of the Lord’.

    1. Pope Francis’s words are powerful and they bring tears to my eyes..they should be shouted from the rooftops to the world


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