The Importance of Medjugorje

Do whatever He tells you !
Mary's last words in the Bible (John 2:5)

Our Lady has been reportedly appearing and giving messages in Medjugorje since 1981.  In our times, another heavenly apparition of major significance is Medjugorje.  It is the greatest reported Marian apparition in history, and it will be the final of her apparitions given in this way until the end of time.  Unprecedented in history, Our Lady Queen of Peace has been visiting with visionaries daily for over a quarter century, so as to form us in her School of Prayer and Holiness, just as she did her Son in His daily life in Nazareth.  The Church confirms that the faithful may meditate on the messages, spread them and that private pilgrimages to Medjugorje are permitted.  There have been many significant supporters of this still-ongoing apparition.

Hundreds of cardinals and bishops have visited Medjugorje as pilgrims (or have expressed their support for what is happening there), along with tens of thousands of priests and tens of millions of lay pilgrims.

The Ten Secrets

Mary is reportedly giving the visionaries ten secrets of worldwide significance.  The first three secrets have to do with warnings.  According to visionary Mirjana, "The first two secrets (the first of which is 'not good' and will 'shake us up') come as advance warnings for the whole world and as proof of the Blessed Virgin Mary is here in Medjugorje", while the third secret concerns a "permanent, indestructible and beautiful" Sign that will appear in Medjugorje on the hill of the first apparitions, which will remain until the end of time.


  1. "The Papal Nuncio to the U.S. on behalf of the prefect of the CDF Archbishop Müller has issued instructions that no cleric or faithful may participate in any meetings, conferences, or public celebrations in which the authenticity of the apparitions are taken for granted."

    Read more:

    1. Thanks Andrea for your post. Here is the entire wording of the Zadar Declaration which is still in force and that the Archbishop and Nuncio referred to:

      At the ordinary session of the Bishops' Conference of Yugoslavia in Zadar from April 9 - 11, 1991 the following was adopted:


      The bishops, from the very beginning, have been following the events of Medjugorje through the Bishop of the diocese (Mostar), the Bishop's Commission and the Commission of the Bishops Conference of Yugoslavia on Medjugorje.

      On the basis of the investigations, so far it cannot be affirmed that one is dealing with supernatural apparitions and revelations.

      However, the numerous gatherings of the faithful from different parts of the world, who come to Medjugorje, prompted both by motives of belief and various other motives, require the attention and pastoral care in the first place of the diocesan bishop and with him of the other bishops also, so that in Medjugorje and in everything connected with it a healthy devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary may be promoted in accordance with the teaching of the Church.

      For this purpose, the bishops will issue especially suitable liturgical-pastoral directives. Likewise, through their Commission they will continue to keep up with and investigate the entire event in Medjugorje.

      In Zadar April 10, 1991
      The Bishops of Yugoslavia

      Two years later came this declaration : "We bishops, after three years of research conducted by the appropriate commission, have accepted Medjugorje as a place of prayer, as a shrine. This means that we have nothing against it if someone venerates the Mother of God in a manner that is in agreement with the teachings and faith of the Church. Therefore, we are leaving that to further study. The Church does not hurry." His Eminence Cardinal Dr. Franjo Kuharic, Archbishop of Zagreb (Glas Koncila, August 15, 1993)

    2. Thanks Andrea for your post. Here is the entire wording of the Zadar Declaration which is still in force and that the Archbishop and Nuncio referred to:

      At the ordinary session of the Bishops' Conference of Yugoslavia in Zadar from April 9 - 11, 1991 the following was adopted:


      The bishops, from the very beginning, have been following the events of Medjugorje through the Bishop of the diocese (Mostar), the Bishop's Commission and the Commission of the Bishops Conference of Yugoslavia on Medjugorje.

      On the basis of the investigations, so far it cannot be affirmed that one is dealing with supernatural apparitions and revelations.

      However, the numerous gatherings of the faithful from different parts of the world, who come to Medjugorje, prompted both by motives of belief and various other motives, require the attention and pastoral care in the first place of the diocesan bishop and with him of the other bishops also, so that in Medjugorje and in everything connected with it a healthy devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary may be promoted in accordance with the teaching of the Church.

      For this purpose, the bishops will issue especially suitable liturgical-pastoral directives. Likewise, through their Commission they will continue to keep up with and investigate the entire event in Medjugorje.

      In Zadar April 10, 1991
      The Bishops of Yugoslavia

      Two years later came this declaration : "We bishops, after three years of research conducted by the appropriate commission, have accepted Medjugorje as a place of prayer, as a shrine. This means that we have nothing against it if someone venerates the Mother of God in a manner that is in agreement with the teachings and faith of the Church. Therefore, we are leaving that to further study. The Church does not hurry." His Eminence Cardinal Dr. Franjo Kuharic, Archbishop of Zagreb (Glas Koncila, August 15, 1993)

  2. I was surprised to read this post here as this is an unapproved phenomenon. I have been 5 times to Medjugorje & humbly submit to the Church's judgement.


    1. I thought I would leave this article with the comment I approved and published for other people to read the link which expresses the official decision- or should I remove it?

    2. Jackie, I always thought it best to follow my conscience and my heart. If I am wrong, anything I have done with a loving intention, our Lord will forgive with a smile on His face. God is not impressed by a person's title or authority and we all know that our Church has make mistakes in the past. There is nothing at Medjugorje that goes against Catholic doctrine or teaching. I believe it is better to believe than to not, especially when you examine the consequences.

    3. If you don't believe in it, there are many other approved apparitions of Our Lady that allow for guidance. No need to hang onto Medjugorje. Pray the Rosary, repent, sacrifice. Our Lady has made it pretty clear what to do in past apparitions.

  3. In his letter to the USCCB the papal nuncio points to the Declaration made by the Yugoslavia Bishops in April 1991. To understand his letter it is advisable to reference the Declaration he refers to, as it is the official position of the Church and does not reflect anyone’s opinion, be they bishop or lay person, for or against Medjugorje. This and further explanation can be found at this link:



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