A Beautiful Tapestry of Inadequacies

This past year had been a challenge both professionally and personally. For reasons not all clear to me, feelings of inadequacies set in and clouded my year. I was troubled by the challenges that I felt were being propelled at me in seeking to live and understand my faith.

This past year brought us a Pope, who if nothing else, challenges us by word and example how to live a joyful and humble Christian life. Due in a great part to his words, I have begun to question what I am called to do and how I am meant to live. Time and again, I hear something our Pope has said (or done) that resonates deeply with my soul. I have been filled with a much deeper awareness of those who suffer only to find myself caught in the abyss of my doubts and fears, trying to determine how it is that I am called to action. My insecurities and feelings of inadequacies abound. ....

  Click to read more of one mother's struggles and doubts in the face of challenges and trials. A Beautiful Tapestry of Inadequacies

St. Monica pray for us!


  1. brilliant title and image, and the article is insightful-well said

  2. Thank you so much Melanie...means a lot coming from you, as you have much more writing experience than I do.


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