Ash Wednesday ain't just for Catholics!

We all know that I am married to an atheist. Who gasped? Really, it's something that we work on in our marriage like anything else. Granted it was hard and there was arguing in the beginning. I even ruined some tongs over it. A lot of it is a delicate balance of respect and a whole lot of Holy Spirit intervention and trust!
What does this have to to with Ash Wednesday? It's a perfect example of that balance I wrote of earlier. We always try to compromise on the little stuff so it's easier to when the big stuff comes. Usually, when he compromises, I can tell, because he says funny things like "I accept you, and I love you", with a grin, especially when I come downstairs in the morning looking particularly groggy, or scratch my very dry legs while watching a basketball game, and even...burp! That last one doesn't happen often anymore.

See, (tangent coming) I thought when you didn't let the burp out, no one could hear it. My husband finally filled me in on a little secret. "Keeping it inside, doesn't keep it quiet, (ain't that the truth for a lot of things!) but man, do I love you." That's how I know a compromise has been made. Because I kinda knew he could hear it. Deceiving myself!
The first Ash Wednesday we spent as a family was just last year. I came into the faith in 2012, and he didn't come with us (me and the boys) that first year, it wasn't an angry protest, he was just working.
Last year, we are sitting in the pew and it's time to go up to receive ashes. I am all about the wonder and awe of mass when my knees hit the carpet. I always pray huge thank you's to God that I am even there because, I really am blessed to be there.
Why? Continue reading at my place!


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