A Bell and an Open Vein

One facet of monastic life that looks greener on the other side of the fence (to me) is the call to prayer.  The bell rings, it's prayer time, and there's no putting it off.  No opening a newspaper, no checking the morning news, no doing 'just this one thing' before settling down to pray.

I don't know about you, but if I do just one thing before giving God a few minutes, all too often one thing turns into ten, and before I know it, 'things' have crowded out prayer altogether.  Again...... (read more)


  1. Nice! I liked your analogy of the IV when you were in labor.

  2. spot on. great image as always and beautiful quote for this week..again. thank-you for your constant faithfulness

    1. Melanie, I very much appreciate your generous words!


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