According to the Whole

I’ve been writing, furiously, for April. I am participating in the A to Z challenge, writing through the alphabet entire in Catholic, with a twist, of course. About a month or so ago, I created an editorial calendar with ideas for each letter that I could research and write about. The twist, is that I also want to provide a reflection from my point of view, that could be slightly different for the myriad of readers and bloggers participating (over 1,500). This is pretty daunting. How can you keep anyone’s attention for longer than a paragraph? How do you do it if the reader is wholly uninterested in organized religion, let alone Christianity and specifically, Catholicism. That’s my hook. That’s my twist.
What does that mean? It means everything. It’s what being Catholic, for me, means. Kata- according to, holos- the whole. According to the whole. It’s not, as Eddie Izzard (whom I do love, by the way) defines in his stand up: “Catholicism, we believed in the teachings of Cathol and everything he stood for”. I thought about this long and hard before I started writing. What’s my point? My point is, that you will rarely, ever read anything flamingly controversial on my blog. There are plenty of bloggers, writers, theologians and other online mediums that provide a space in which to debate issues of contention, and I am glad for it.
Read more about what to expect in April, here


  1. That's a huge challenge you've set yourself-- all the best!

    Damyanti, cohost AZ challenge 2015

  2. Thank you, Damyanti for stopping by! I think it's a pretty huge challenge. Go big or go home? Yikes! You have been so supportive and the community is wonderful!


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