Walking The Camino - Almsgiving Through Service At Church

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few.”
Matthew 9: 37

Take a quiz:
The phone rings.  Caller ID shows that someone from Church is calling you.  What do you do?

a) Think of an excuse quickly because you know that they are looking for volunteers.

b) Realize that because you are not going to tell the truth you will have to go to confession, and since it’s Lent you will have to go to confession anyway, if you have time, so that’s okay, but you don’t have time.

c) You don’t answer the phone and let it go to voice mail because you don’t have time to help out at church.  (Whew!  You don’t have to lie because you didn’t answer the phone.)

d) Answer the phone, but you do feel guilty because you don’t want to help out, I mean don’t have time.

e) You answer the phone and politely say “No” to the appeal for help.
Read More At:  His Unending Love


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